Research in Autism Spectrum DisordersHewitt, A.S., Stancliffe, R.J., Johnson Sirek, A., Hall-Lande, J., Taub, S., Engler, J. & Moseley, C.R. (2012). Characteristics of adults with autism spectrum disorder who use adult developmental disability services: results from 25 US states. ...
Characteristics of Adults with autism CharacteristicsofAdultswithAutismSpectrumDisorder AmyS.Hewitt,PhDRogerJ.Stancliffe,PhDAnnieJohnson,MSWJenHall-Lande,PhDCharlesMoseley,EdDSarahTaub,MAJoshuaEngler,MSW,MAJulieBershadsky,PhD Acknowledgements Introduction Thisstudypresentsdescriptivedataonarandomsample(N=12,382)...
In this study, we aim to identify clusters of social support networks and investigate associations of clusters with mastery, quality of life, and autism characteristics. Autistic adults (N = 381; 45.7% female) aged between 30 and 90 years completed questionnaires on social support ...
Women with ADHD were more likely to have any one of mental disorders, as well as alcohol abuse and dependence, compared to men with ADHD. Conclusions: Adults with ASD/ADHD in Japan had increased mental health needs. The specific needs of women with ADHD should be also considered in future ...
The findings demonstrated that AQ and other personality scales could be used to elucidate the clinical characteristics of AS in adults. 展开 关键词: Asperger's Syndrome Clinical characteristics Self-report questionnaires Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ Eysenck ...
Families are faced with enormous challenges in caring for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) over a lifetime. As the main caregiver of children, mothers who have children with autism are in poor health compared to the mothers of typically devel
Short-term effects of airport-associated ultrafine particle exposure on lung function and inflammation in adults with asthma. Environ. Int. 118, 48-59. [66] HEI, 2013. Understanding the Health Effects of Ambient Ultrafine Particles. HEI Review ...
Adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism who deliberately set fires: a systematic review. Aggress Violent Beh. 2021;56:101545. Article Google Scholar Flygare Wallén E, Ljunggren G, Wahlström L, Pettersson D, Carlsson AC, Wändell P. ...
Short-term effects of airport-associated ultrafine particle exposure on lung function and inflammation in adults with asthma. Environ. Int. 118, 48-59. [66] HEI, 2013. Understanding the Health Effects of Ambient Ultrafine Particles. HEI Review ...
Discuss how a teacher could effectively support students with autism, Include at least five facts about the disability and how your strategies could support this disability. What are the four elements of observational learning? a. Discuss the emergence of self-esteem in early childh...