That could explain why dreams in REM sleep often lack a coherent storyline (some researchers have also found that people dream in non-REM sleep as well, although those dreams generally are less vivid.) Another active part of the brain in REM sleep is the anterior cingulate cortex, which ...
Sentences in passive voice are often longer than sentences in active voice simply because they have to include additional words like prepositions. Take a look at this sentence in passive voice: Summer break is [conjugated form of “to be”] loved [past participle of the main verb] by [prepos...
譬如: 新发现:They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human adults were aligned (对齐), making it hard to produce labiodentals, which are formed by touching the lower lip to the upper teeth. 对应题目:Why was it difficult for ancient human adults to produce labiodental...
Of course, all micro-skills likegrammar, vocabularyandpronunciationare important. But it is far more difficult to communicate with no vocabulary than with no grammar. :-) Active and passive vocabulary In our own individual vocabulary, there is a differen...
Computers are easy to use with practice. 5 With the words too or enough When using the adverbs too and enough, we use the full infinitive to explain why. In these cases, the infinitive is often unnecessary, but it’s nonetheless a helpful addition if the sentence is vague. I have to...
These verbs are all written in the what is called theactive voice. 3. Transitive Passive Verbs These verbs also show action, and they also transfer their action to a receiver. Do you remember that in transitive active verbs, the receiver was the direct object? I hope so! Well, guess what...
What is an active verb tense? What is an active voice verb? What does active verb tense mean? What is an action verb? What is a passive voice verb? What is a complete verb? What is an intransitive verb? What are action verb words?
题目要求选择能最佳描述"Srikanth"的词汇组合。在没有具体背景信息的情况下,需基于选项本身的合理性和常见考试命题逻辑分析:1. **选项A(active and honest)**:描述性格外向且诚实,缺乏明显关联性,无具体支撑信息。2. **选项B(patient and careful)**:强调耐心与细致,通常用于描述需要长期专注的角色(如研究者),...
[01:52.40]She is often inside and not very active. [01:57.88]However, showing one's true colors [02:00.52]does not always mean something good. [02:03.92]Some people may present themselves [02:06.60]in a way other than how they r...
Mirror what they said.Tell the speaker what you think they said in your own words—a technique calledmirroring. You can ask, "Can I repeat back to make sure I'm with you?" Mirroring signals that you're listening, but also ensures that you understand correctly. ...