Oryouwoulduseit, butyouwouldgetstuckbecauseyouwouldn'tknowhowtosayit.就算你想使用它,但你会卡住,因为你不知道怎么说。Whenyoulearnanewword, youhavetoalsolearnitspronunciation: thenumberofsyllables, thevowelsthatareintheword, theprimarystress.当你学习一个新单词时,你还必须学习它的发音:音节的数量,...
In this lesson, you can learn how to take an active part in a conversation. 在本节课中,你可以学习如何积极参与对话。 Imagine: you're in a group of people, having a conversation in English. 想象一下:你在一群人中,用英语交谈。 You have something to say, but other people are talking. 你...
And in the year 2008, he partnered with me in the first-of-its-kind project that actually allowed us to test and offer something called mindfulness training to active-duty military personnel. But before I tell you about what mindfulness training is, or the results of that study, I think i...
When you ask her out you take an active role in your own life and your own happiness. Take control of your story and learn how to start dating. How To Ask A Girl Out On A Date via:Pexels / mentatdgt Attraction is unpredictable. Sometimes it happens immediately, like when you met via...
now, write down the first five to 10 interests that come to mind. for the sake of this example, let’s say: travel cooking family music hiking next, think about your more specific interests within these subject areas and add them to your list. your additions might look something like ...
The customer will feel your empathy when you talk to them from that place and we should begin to notice that we are automatically using personal pronouns and active verbs. Just remember, as Maya Angelou once said:“People will forget what you say but remember how you made them feel.” ...
Observe how others actively listen during their interactions. By watching professionals who draw on this skill, you will find it to be relevant in many situations. Active listening is a very human thing to do when we are interested in another person and in what he or she has to say. ...
Mo st scientists who study ol d age think that the human body is (1)to live no longer than120years . However , 110years is probably the l ongest that anyone coul d hope to live--if he or she is (2)__ healthy an d lucky. Some scie ntists even say we can live as long as ...
Active listening is a communication skill that fosters thorough, mutual understanding between all parties in a conversation. Active listening skills can be a great asset for any salesperson. When salespeople are able to master active listening skills, they understand their prospects better, improve th...
And in the year 2008, he partnered with me in the first-of-its-kind project that actually allowed us to test and offer something called mindfulness training to active-duty military personnel. But before I tell you about what mindfulness training is, or the results of that study, I think i...