Debt that is overdue and has been sent to collections also appears on your credit report.Keep in mind, even if a debt collection appears on your credit report, it's not the end of the world. While there are no quick fixes to repairing your credit, there are proven things you can do ...
When you apply for a credit card, an inquiry typically appears on your credit report. This can ding your credit scoreroughly five points, though it will bounce back soon. Whether you activate your card or not has no direct affect on your credit. But if you don't activate your card, the...
Your credit report is compiled using information from the creditors and lenders you do business with. The name you put on your applications (the one that appears on your credit card or your statements) is the name that appears on your credit report, so be consistent. Also, if creditors have...
The article presents information related to fraudulent activity on credit reports. Identity thieves invariably use a different address than the person on whose name they open lines of credit. There are two types of credit inquiries that may appear on credit reports: hard and soft. A mistake on ...
Here’s Exactly What Happens When You Dispute Items On Your Credit ReportJohn Ulzheimer
credit cards. If you are a prompt payer of bills, this will be reflected in the credit reports. However, if you are habitually late with your monthly mortgage payment, store and bank credit cards, and have a judgment against you from a lawsuit, this will also show on your credit report...
Acharge-offis a derogatory mark on your credit report that means a lender has written off your debt as a loss. However, this does not mean you are free from that debt, says Ulzheimer. For example, the original creditor could sell the debt to a collection agency. ...
The next time you need to move, your potential landlord is likely going to require a copy of your FICO score and credit report. In addition, he/she may want to contact your current landlord to check if you paid your rent on time. Even if you have a high FICO score, a potential land...
What Lenders Look At On Your Credit ReportMcWhinney, James E
Lenders frown on applicants who have opened a bunch of new credit accounts in a short span of time. If they see that in your credit report, they can't help but wonder why you need so much credit. They will also have questions about your ability to repay should you suddenly max out al...