Liz: No, not from the reason fridge—this was, this was the contraband Four Loko that had both the caffeine and alcohol in it! We kept it in a special place. That’s right. Oh my gosh. There’s still some contraband Four Loko somewhere in the Reason office—but I am, I’m not ...
Thanks to an onslaught ofsocial-mediaposts–quickly lapped up by the press–demand soared for the 13.9 percent alcohol beverage. Fans quickly dubbed Capriccio “the next Four Loko,” referring to the canned drink mixing alcohol and caffeine that gained popularity in 2010. The...
I have experienced the after morning sickness of a hangover, however, the best part about puking from alcohol is feeling the weight of nausea being lifted after you pull the trigger. With food poisoning, that relief never comes and you’re subject to stomach cramp after stomach cramp that nev...
TTB letters went out last week to Charge Beverages, maker of Core High Gravity; Phusion Products, maker of Four Loko; and United Brands Company, maker of Joose. TTB took the opportunity to remind brewer that they are responsible for ensuring that the ingredients in their alcohol beverages are...