Kerr, Jennifer C
But Four Loko's drink — which brags of being "The Hardest Seltzer In The Universe" — has nearly triple the alcohol content of popular product lines such as Bon & Viv Spiked Seltzer (4.5% ABV), White Claw Hard Seltzer (5% ABV) and Truly Hard Seltzer (5% ABV). and I OOP- pic....
The article reports on caffeinated alcoholic beverages and their consumption on college campuses in the U.S. It focuses on the malt beverage Four Loko and describes binge-drinking incidents that have been attributed to the drink at Central Washington University and Ramapo College. It also explores ...
Past Articles & Content Feb07 Historic Tax Law Changes Across Beer, Wine and Spirits After lots of sturm and drang, it finally happened --... Jan09 Jen and Rose Join the Fun We are happy to report that in recent months Jen...
"Comparing them is like comparing apples to oranges because the alcohol content of a Red Bull plus vodka is only about one-fourth or one-fifth of what is found in a Four Loko," Goldberger said. "And Red Bull doesn't really contain that much caffeine. You'd have to drink three Red Bu...
The Federal Trade Commission's mandated Four Loko labeling fails to facilitate accurate estimation of alcohol content by college students Background:Four Loko, the leading supersized alcopop brand, is a pre-mixed alcoholic beverage containing up to 5.5 standard alcoholic drinks in a can. In 2......
But much like a hangover from Four Loko, content neverquitegoes away once it’s released into the world. Pre-delete, TikTok teens shared their octogenarian journeys with captions such as “Granny be looking a little different here!” and were heard on videos exclaiming “Oh my God, it work...
It is evident from Table 1 that popular energy drinks such as Red Bull (250 mL, 8.4 oz) contain a similar amount of caffeine (ie, 80 mg) to that present in one regular cup of coffee (240 mL, 8 oz).2,3 However, less popular brands may have a higher caffeine content. ...
dangerously high levels of alcohol. Sold in 23.5-ounce containers, a single can delivers the alcohol content of a bottle of wine, or 4.7 drinks. (The beverages contain up to 12 percent alcohol.) A night of heavy drinking is considered more than three drinks for a woman, four for a man...
He used the example of Four Loko, a combination of alcohol and four shots of espresso. Alcohol has a "built-in protection" in that when you drink too much, you fall asleep. "But if you add four shots of espresso, you prolong your ability to continue to drink," he said. ...