该在线课程与在校面授课程一样,虽无学分,但学生完成课程后可以获得大学官方的Certificate of Completion。 The Future of the Business World线上课程 学习目标 ❖ 了解沃顿商学院教育的各种商业观点 ❖ 根据COVID-19的影响,审视当前商业世界面临的问题 ❖ 探索并表达个人对不断变化的商业环境的看法 ❖ 预测当...
欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD )排名第二,西班牙IESE商学院(IESE Business School )排名第三,领先于哈佛商学院和斯坦福商学院。 意大利SDA博科尼商学院、加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(UC-Berkeley Haas)和康奈尔大学约翰逊(Cornell Johnson)商学院均大幅跻身前十。 S16 的GMAT 均分在了解排名的同时,大家可以参考下图顶尖商学...
Wharton在COVID期间意识到,可以实时在线授课。有很多高潜力的高管对 MBA 感兴趣,但不是每个人都能保证每两周来一次校园的要求。因此,Wharton组建了一个委员会来研究可考虑的所有在线课程。可以通过线上及线下混合的方式以及至少五个住宿周的时间,才能保证他们能够获取全部课程同时还能感受面对面的线下课程,亲自与同学及...
The Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, e-commerce, economics, entrepreneurship, ethics, finance, general management, health care administration, human resources management, insurance, international business, marketing, production/operati...
Support Children in Montgomery County with New Backpacks and School Supplies! Wharton Club members & guests are invited. Register in advance or just show up. Covid: The next wave with Prof Jeffrey Shaman 8/10 @6:30pm Covid is surging again in the US with an average of more than 100.00...
Take a look at the resources we put online. We really do try to democratize all the information that it takes to put a strong Wharton MBA application together and a strong, I believe, business school application. So there are application tip sessions. They’re an hour long. We go through...
Wharton India Club to support India’s fight against COVID Gabriela Sanchez04/30/21 09:54 0 15 04/30/21 09:54 #MiamiTech 2.0 – Creating next gen S Florida tech companie Cynthia Hollen04/02/21 14:18 0 15 04/02/21 14:18 Spring 2021 Exec Ed Certificate Program: Regulatory Analysis...