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Coursera has always been an excellent online platform that offers multiple free courses and classes tohelp individuals expand their skills and improve their career. This list of business courses provided by Coursera consists of ultimatecourses offered by top universities from around the world. From tal...
沃顿商学院 Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania 沃顿商学院,创立于1881年,位于美国费城的宾夕法尼亚大学,是美国第一所大学商学院,也是世界上历史最悠久学术声誉首屈一指的商学院。还被誉为现代MBA发源地。 沃顿商学院一直被认为是全美最具有开拓精神、创新意识和国际化视角的商学院。 沃顿在各个主要的经济...
Wharton School Home Wharton Direct Login Search WhartonMobile menu toggle Wharton Executive Education Menu Wharton’s research-based executive programs combine business fundamentals with the innovative tools and competitive strategies you need to deliver immediate results – on campus or online. ...
Once back out in the real world, armed with MBAs from the first US business school and one of the nation’s most prestigious programs, these former students will be called upon to run the world’s businesses. Some will play key roles in large retail chains, where they have to determine ...
Wharton expands online offeringWomen at Business School
program was created. You learn foundational skills from Wharton Online’s world-class faculty, relevant analytical and modeling skills from Wall Street Prep, and you’ll hear directly from CFOs of industry-leading companies.”—Christopher Ittner, PhD, Professor of Accounting, The Wharton School ...
The Wharton School, a high-profile business school out of the University of Pennsylvania, announced the launch of a new course regarding business in the metaverse. The online course is titled “Business in the Metaverse Economy” and educates students about metaverse business practices, giving parti...
Wharton, the business school known as a specialist in finance, is working with two internet start-up companies to bring real business experience to the world of online learning. Participants who complete Wharton’s four basic business onlineMoocs- massive open online courses - will now be able ...