Davey’s Locker is the most popular option for those consideringwhale watching in southern California.Thousands of whales viewed each season and beautiful coastline combines to make a world renowned whale watching destination. The same pristine habitat that draws whales and dolphin supports amazing insho...
As the winter season progresses and the northward migration begins, the occurrence of sexual activity becomes less frequent as the numbers of single adult whales in and near the lagoons decline. 21.4.2 Acoustic Behavior While gray whales are acoustically active throughout their range, including ...
Additionally, the seasonal occurrence of the doublet song types was quite different, with the long doublet song generally absent in summer whereas the short doublet song was common in that season. These changes indicate that fin whales in Southern California did not just change the characteristics...
By land or sea, whale watching in Newport Beach is ranked as one of the top activities and Southern California has some of the best waters for whale watching enthusiasts to explore. Both Newport Landing and Davey’s Locker offer daily guided whale watching tours by experienced professionals year...
Frequently Asked Questions What is the best month to go whale watching in Santa Barbara? While whale watching off the coast of Southern California is a year-round activity, the observable species vary by season. The best time to see whales is from mid-May through mid-September....
Season Begins for Whale WatchingThe annual Pacific gray whale migration has begun in SouthernCalifornia and whale watchers are...Mazza, Sandy
A group of seafaring tourists saw something unusual while whale-watching off the coast of Southern California this week. It was a white orca, or killer whale, that has become somewhat famous in environmentalist circles up and down the Pacific Coast over the last few years. ...
During the feeding season, humpback whales make altogether different vocalizations, which they use to herd fish into their bubble nets. The humpback whale is found in all the major oceans, in a wide band running from the Antarctic ice edge to 65° N latitude, though is not found in the ...
About Killer Whale Season Trips Again in spring 2025 at Monterey Bay Whale Watch, we are featuring all-day trips with Marine Biologist and Captain Nancy Black (and her dogs as co-captains)! Joining Nancy on many of these trips are members of the California Killer Whale Project (CKWP), Ali...
(Wolanskiet al., 1999). Plains zebra and wildebeest populations elsewhere in Africa make similar migrations between wet and dry season grazing areas, but in smaller numbers. These species are not obligatory migrants, however, since resident, nonmigratory individuals can be found in most populations...