Offering whale watching cruises & deep sea fishing trips daily year around for the Greater Los Angeles Area
LIFE CHANGING WHALE ENCOUNTERS. Whale watching Baja California - meet 40-ton Grey Whales and their calves up close
When Is Whale Watching Season in San Diego? If whale watching is your thing, or you're looking for something different to do on vacation, you can officially watch the seasonal migration of California grey and blue whales off the San Diego Coast up close and personal starting on December 9th...
Season Begins for Whale WatchingThe annual Pacific gray whale migration has begun in SouthernCalifornia and whale watchers are...Mazza, Sandy
When is Dana Point whale watching season? There’s no such thing. There are ample opportunities to spot dolphins, whales and other marine life all year long, in Dana Point. Of course, you can see different species of whales depending on the time of year. Dana Point is a landmark for ...
Sea Goddess offers whale watching tours and season in Monterey Bay. Book your tour today and experience the beauty of the whales up close!
Since 1996 The Best of Mexico whale watching season and whale watching tour camps with Baja Jones Adventures. Best whale watching in Baja California Sur.
Antonio’s Ecotours Whale watching at Laguna San Ignacio, Baja California sur Search Reservations are openfor the 2025 whale watching season Esta página en Español
By land or sea, whale watching in Newport Beach is ranked as one of the top activities and Southern California has some of the best waters for whale watching enthusiasts to explore. Both Newport Landing and Davey’s Locker offer daily guided whale watching tours by experienced professionals year...
When to come: May to September is the peak whale-watching season, but operators follow their own schedules. Gentle Giants runs tours year-round, Húsavík Adventures runs trips from April 1 to October 31, North Sailing runs tours from March 1 to November 30, and Friends of Moby Dick operate...