wg-quick - set up a WireGuard interface simply SYNOPSIS wg-quick [ up | down | save | strip ] [ CONFIG_FILE | INTERFACE ] DESCRIPTION This is an extremely simple script for easily bringing up a WireGuard interface, suitable for a few common use cases. Use up to add and set up ...
This is an extremely simple script for easily bringing up a WireGuard interface, suitable for a few common use cases.
sudo wg-quick up wg0 如果命令执行成功,WireGuard接口应该会启动。如果失败,输出信息中可能会包含有用的错误信息,帮助你诊断问题。 4. 检查系统日志,查找与wg-quick或WireGuard相关的错误信息 如果手动启动失败,你可以检查系统日志以获取更多信息。你可以使用journalctl命令来查看与wg-quick或wireguard相关的日志条目:...
-启动VPN连接:`sudo wg-quick up your-config-file.conf` -停止VPN连接:`sudo wg-quick down your-config-file.conf` -显示当前连接信息:`sudo wg-quick show your-config-file.conf` 你可以使用自己的配置文件名称替换`your-config-file.conf`。 通过使用wg-quick工具,你可以简化WireGuard配置和管理的过程。
wg-quick up (from the package wireguard-tools) works regardless of the IP protocol used in its configuration file(s). What's the current behaviour? When IPv4 addresses are used in Wireguard's configuration file (/etc/wireguard/*.conf), it fails during the execution of [#] ip -4 rule ...
Perhaps also wg-quick up wg0 (running the start command directly from console) shows some more error output. But also: status=2/INVALIDARGUMENT Not sure if wg0 is the expected invalid argument in later steps, if the interface was not bought up by the script in the first place due to ...
应该是outbound.tunDevice, err = wireguard.NewStackDevice(localPrefixes, uint32(mtu))这里报错,也即多个 peer 不允许用同一个 local ip。 虽然可以通过配置多个 proxy,而非使用一个 proxy 多个 peers 来回避掉,但是这种方式使得出口 nat 后的 endpoint 是多个,用来组网会引起诸多不便。
wg-quick-up-eth0 今天18:21 来自Xiaomi 14 Pro //@宝玉xp://@翻译驴://@梦的思究://@摩诃般若么么龙://@群体表演艺术家:这些人真牛逼,都知道哪里好,但在国内的时候就是另一幅嘴脸。//@迟夙生律师://@春风不语V夏不语冰://@江下松风:宋家大陆没人了,全部移民海外,在美,加两国。 @抵拢...
wg-quick-up-eth0 9月24日 19:00 来自微博网页版 //@时代尖兵:如果有了她照片和照片,可以让当地网约车认一认,有没有长期敲/@蘸盐:网约车是自动扣款的。她来这么一出,按正常逻辑来看确实匪夷所思。从非正常逻辑分析,要么是豆瓣某些小组混得久了,看见司机是男性就想故意刁难一下。要么是赌司机双证不...
( ) TABLE=""PRE_UP=( ) POST_UP=( ) PRE_DOWN=( ) POST_DOWN=( ) SAVE_CONFIG=0 CONFIG_FILE=""PROGRAM="${0##*/}"ARGS=("$@")cmd() {echo"[#] $*">&2"$@"}die() {echo"$PROGRAM: $*">&2exit1 }# [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]] || die "Version mismatch: bash...