but no particular event can be attributed to a single split (Díaz‐Rodríguez et al.2015,2017). Based on the oldest fossil records, Díaz‐Rodríguez et al. (2017) assumed a divergence time no younger than ~3.5 My for the tree root, an age consistent with former phylogenetic...
Merino, Victoria, Australia –Diwell MERINO c1880 Image courtesy of the State Library of South Australia. Image no. B 21766/113http://collections.slsa.sa.gov.au/resource/B+21766/113 N Newington, London, England – Turner Norfolk, England – Baker, Thurling North Nibley, Gloucestershire, Engl...
859 Australia in the Antarctic. Doyle, P.A. 2pp '70 .30 4022 Historical Notes About Australian Antarctic Territory of Heard and McDonald Islands. 4pp ill '62 .60 4578 Mawson, Australian Antarctic Territory. Doyle, P.A. 4pp ill '72 .60 ...
The influence of Yankee Whalers on Western Australia was celebrated in the most famous novel about a giant whale to have been written, Moby Dick (1851). In a chapter titled ‘The Advocate’, Herman Melville writes: That great America on the other side of the sphere, Australia, was given ...
EDI dramatically overestimates infant dose after 2 months of lactation while the more accurate ADI show reduced dose to infants. The ADI of pesticides for individual infants in Western Australia decreased significantly during the first year of lactation, and was 2 to 17 times lower than current re...
The Newsweek report is based on part of an embarrassingABC News Australia puff pieceabout a Ukrainian team which is allegedly responsible for removing landmines in areas that were previously occupied by Russian forces. The puff piece refers to the team as a “unit of brave de-miners” while...
Macarthur, Victoria, Australia – Bishop Macclesfield, Cheshire, England – Law, Shaw Manchester, Lancashire, England – Shaw Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, England – Harman, Mulberry Merino, Victoria, Australia –Diwell MERINO c1880 Image courtesy of the State Library of South Australia. Image no. B ...
Australia provided another example. Western colonists considered the Chinese as different from them and believed they would be unable to integrate into white society for cultural, biological, language and racial reasons. The Australian Colonial government also imple...
and the Mediterranean. Australia, the Americas, and even Antarctica are distinct patches of blue-green in the darker waters that surround them. But nothing comparable separates Asia from Europe, East from West. Viewed from 100 miles up, the West itself is invisible. Although astronauts can see ...
Lower fracture rates in non-westernized populations compared with in western populations.26,96–99 Another line of evidence supporting the superior health markers of hunter–gatherers and other traditional populations comes from the historical records of explorers, adventurers, and frontiersmen, which ...