In 1853, Jabez married Nanny Penrose and they went on to have six children. Jabez ran a store in Branxholme and was also the first postmaster, not to mention the Electoral Registrar, Dog Inspector. the correspondent for the Common School, and Registrar for Births, Deaths, and Marriages somet...
Mary Ann Harman has always been a mystery. I have accounted for all the first generation Harmans of Byaduk, their births, death and marriages. Except for Mary Ann, the daughter ofJonathan Harmanand Mary Oliver. Born in 1869, the sixth child of Jonathon and Mary, Mary Ann drops off the...
Mortality was assessed by linking the cohort to the National Death Index through the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare (AIHW) and the Western Australian Registrar General for births, deaths and marriages. Cancer incidence was obtained from the National Cancer Statistics Clearing House through...
War broke in 1914 and on 22 January 1915, sonCharles enlistedleaving for Egypt a month later. Charles served with the 2nd Field Artillery Brigade and found himself at Gallipoli where he was killed on 26 July 1915, six months after he left Australia. The loss of Charles brought great sorrow...