West Sussex County Council agrees purchase of former Novartis site.The article reports on the plan of West Sussex County Council to develop the former site of pharmaceutical firm Novartis in Horsham, England into a science park and research and development facility....
West Sussex County CouncilNotes
Department of HealthSouth Inspection Group
Design/methodology/approach – The article discusses the application of self-managed learning within West Sussex County Councils Advanced Management Development Programme. Findings – It has been identified that the use of self-managed learning has proved an invaluable technique for getting individuals to...
RUSSELL v WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCILCarriageway itself in good repair-Significant drop at edge from road surface to grass verge-Motorist injured trying to re-gain road having skidded off in frosty conditions-Whether highway authority expected to know drop likely to cause danger to users of high...