West Sussex County Council has been an individual budget pilot site, and has nearly 2,000 people receiving individual budgets and a target that all adults receiving social care will be offered self‐directed sup...doi:10.1108/14769018200900036...
West Sussex County Council West Sussex County Times West Sussex Economic Partnership West Sussex Fire Brigade West Sussex Geological Society West Sussex Grid for Learning West Sussex Health and Social Care West Sussex Health Authority West Sussex Institute of Higher Education ...
In a 2016 referendum, 262,634 Wake County voters said yes to this specific Bus Rapid Transit line, obliging the city of Raleigh to create a mass transit system —not just to deliver the transit project, but also to ensure its success by making it useful for a mass of people. The federa...
Chester County Ramblings I own a home in the borough, drive or walk past these sites multiple times a week, doesn’t bother me one bit. I lived in Chestnut Square when it was first built and it was awesome, brought a lot of young people into the town, everyone was proud to live th...
Every so often, someone finds a loophole in the zoning ordinance, exploits it, ruins neighborhoods, and then shames City Council into closing it using yet another zoning patch. This process is not unique to our city. The “Vancouver Special” was a 1980s abuse of accessory unit regulation, ...
West Sussex Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (Placename) a county of SE England, comprising part of the former county of Sussex: mainly low-lying, with the South Downs in the S. Administrative centre: Chichester. Pop: 758 600 (2003 est). Area: 1989 sq km (768 sq miles) ...
suburban developments that together pave over100 acres of open space every single dayin the Chesapeake Bay watershed. That’s why I give more credence to the people who do actually care about paving over the region, like the Piedmont Environmental Council —a/k/athe Coalition for Smarter Growth...