“The defendant, Ko, violated his vow as a mayor to not accept bribes, and abide by our national laws. Instead, Ko intended to help the group obtain billions of dollars in illegal benefits, while collecting millions in bribes,” said Kao Yi-shu, the lead prosecutor, while unveil...
On the nine day, install an umbrella Yu Wei - who knows the number Heaven is full of twelve Branches The moon and the moon belong to An Chen For Tang Gu to Meng Si Since the Ming and the dark for several miles The light is dead, but it is again Levi and Gu Tu Jue in abdomen ...
摘要 【目的】研究包膜尿素与普通尿素不同配施比例对氮素释放及玉米氮素吸收的影响,旨在筛选有利于东北春玉米高产及氮素高效利用的包膜肥料与普通尿素比例,为控释氮肥在东北地区春玉米生产上的推广应用提供科学依据。【方法】2017年在辽宁省沈阳市和海城市两地以当地主栽品种东单6531和铁研358开展田间试验。供试肥料:树脂...