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meta-analysisobesityprospective studyTo systematically evaluate the efficacy of Er Chen Tang in the adjuvant treatment of obesity.#A computerized search of databases such as CNKI, Wanfang, Wipro, EMBase, Web of Science, PubMed, and Cochrane Library was performed to collect randomized controlled ...
103. EFSA.Statementonthebenefitsoffish/seafoodconsumpti- on compared to the risks of methylmercury in fish/seafood. 2015. https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/. Zuge- griffen: 29. Aug. 2022. 104. Renner B, Arens-Azevedo U, Watzl B, et al. DGE-Positi- onspapier zur nachhaltiger...
For instance, laser therapy is widely used in the field of stomatology [1, 2] due to its promising benefits such as low noise, no vibration, and less heat, in accordance with the concept of painless and minimally invasive approaches [3]. The erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Er:YAG)...
The potential benefits of these compounds on hematopoietic function and inhibitory potential on immune function partly reflect the material basis of EXD treatment of AA. We conducted PPI analysis of potential targets of EXD for AA treatment and found that AKT1, STAT3, EGFR, TP53, BCL2, JAK2 and...
Genetically Modified Foods-Benefits and Risks, Regulation and Puplic Acceptance. POST, London. Post Report May 1998 Google Scholar Prakash 1996. Edible vaccines and antibody producing plants. Are edible vaccines a solution? Biotechnology and Development Monitor. 27 (June): 10–14 Google Scholar ...
Figure 6 shows that the benefits of incorporating inverse document frequency weightings when composing attribute embeddings from word embeddings is rather text-dependent, with such a weighting slightly hurting DeepER's performance for two datasets, while helping significantly in another. The results furthe...
We propose that the ability of XTP3B to inhibit ERAD of non-glycan-containing proteins offers two potential benefits to facilitate quality control for this more diverse secretome. First, it is possible that, in SEL1L complexes containing both lectins, XTP3B can reduce the affinity and dwell ...
Regulated IRE1-dependent decay pathway is activated during Japanese encephalitis virus-induced unfolded protein response and benefits viral replication. J Gen Virol 2014; 95(Pt 1): 71–79. 25. Romisch K. Surfing the Sec61 channel: bidirectional protein translocation across the ER membrane. J ...
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