(AUG)was calculated,which were used to evaluate the diagnosticvalue of the three scoring systems in diagnosing PE.ResultsOf the 946 patients,CTPA—eonfimled PE wasseen in 257(27.1 7%).For diagnosing PE,the sensitivity of Wells score,Geneva score and Y EA RS algorithmwas 88.72%,75.88%and ...
cut-off value was 7.58 point.Conclusion:Wells scale and revised Geneva score have some predictive value for PE,the predictive value of revised Geneva score is slightly higher than that of Wells scale,and the combination of the two scoring methods could improve the early diagnosis of PE. ...
The inter-group differences in scoring systems were significant for Wells and Kline but non-significant for Geneva method. The diagnosis of PE was correlated with Wells and Kline system but Geneva system lacked it. The Receiver Operating Characteristic analyses was performed for comparing the pretest...
Significant difference was also found between simplified Wells score and simplified revised Geneva score-two levels scoring. Conclusions: For assessing the clinical probability of PE, the higher the clinical score, the higher the sensitivity of Wells score, revised Geneva score and simplified Wells ...
A clinical scoring system that aids in the management of VTE (DVT and PE). The app includes work flow information from the latest NICE guidance CG144. 很容易计算出井得分。临床计分制度,有助于VTE(DVT和PE)的管理。该应用程序包括从最新的NICE指南CG144工作流程的信息。 Wells Score Calc更新内容 ...
Below are three validated systems: the Modified Wells Scoring System, the Revised Geneva Scoring System, and the Pulmonary Embolism Rule Out Criteria (PERC). [4, 5, 6] Simplified versions of the Wells score and the revised Geneva score have been developed. Initial studies support the validity ...
[MY SCORING HANDICAP] (-0.283) Members I Have Had The Privilege To Throw With (x) Equals number of unique courses. gotoguy (6), austin_brian (1), Cajuncrusher (15), JustWin (5), donweck (1), Thrembo (4), R2sandman (2), ttoenjes (1), Neostrat (5), Mr Butlertron (14),...
The predictive value of two scoring methods in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism.Results 67 cases of pulmonary embolism suspected patients, invalid cases in 7 cases, 60 cases were effective, conifrmed by CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) for acute pulmonary embolism with 28 cases, the ...
CriteriaandGenevaScoringSystemcombinedwithD-dimerastwodifferentmethodsforpredictingpulmonaryembolism.Method TheWellsscoreandtheGenevascorewerefirstobtainedbytheWells’CriteriaandtheGenevaScoringSystem(revised)combinedwithD–dimerrespectively.Thevalidityofthetwomethodswasthenevaluatedandcomparedfortheirdifferenceinaccuracy...
Thepredictivevalueoftwoscoringmethodsinthediagnosisofacute pulmonaryembolism.Results67casesofpulmonaryembolismsuspected patients,invalidcasesin7cases,60caseswereeffective,conrmedbyCT pulmonaryangiography(CTPA)foracutepulmonaryembolismwith28 cases,thediagnosisofpulmonaryembolismratewas46.7%.Conclusion ...