1.【Objective】 To reduce misdiagnosis and underdiagnosis rate of pulmonary embolism,the prediction of the revised Geneva score and Wells score for pulmonary embolism were compared and analyzed by receiver operating characteristic curves.【目的】为减少肺栓塞误漏诊,探讨并应用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)比较...
Below are three validated systems: the Modified Wells Scoring System, the Revised Geneva Scoring System, and the Pulmonary Embolism Rule Out Criteria (PERC). [4, 5, 6] Simplified versions of the Wells score and the revised Geneva score have been developed. Initial studies support the validity ...
The Receiver Operating Characteristic analyses was performed for comparing the pretest clinical probability scoring sys tems and the greatest area under the curve was found in Wells system. Wells method seems more useful compared to Geneva and Kline methods particularly in emergency department....
and the predictive cut-off value was 7.58 point.Conclusion:Wells scale and revised Geneva score have some predictive value for PE,the predictive value of revised Geneva score is slightly higher than that of Wells scale,and the combination of the two scoring methods could improve the early ...
展开更多 Objective To evaluate the validity of Wells' Criteria and Geneva Scoring System combined with D-dimer as two different methods for predicting pulmonary embolism. Method The Wells score and the Geneva score were first obtained by the Wells' Criteria and the Geneva Scorin...MORE 作者 ...
高度怀疑肺栓塞.%Objective To evaluate the validity of Wells' Criteria and Geneva Scoring System combined with D-dimer as two different methods for predicting pulmonary embolism.Method The Wells score and the Geneva score were first obtained by the Wells' Criteria and the Geneva Scoring System ( ...
The predictive value of two scoring methods in the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism.Results 67 cases of pulmonary embolism suspected patients, invalid cases in 7 cases, 60 cases were effective, conifrmed by CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) for acute pulmonary embolism with 28 cases, the ...
内容提示: 介入放射学杂志2021年6月第30卷第6期J Intervent RadM 2021,V01.30,No.6·血管介人Vascular intervention·Wells评分、Geneva评分和YEARS法对疑似肺栓塞住院患者诊断价值的对比研究刘剑,孙林,向华, 刘觉仕, 张智明,方志勇【摘要】 目的探讨Wells评分、Geneva评分和YEARS法财疑似肺栓塞(PE)住院患者的诊断价值...
embolism,andwerediagnosedbyCTpulmonaryangiography(CTPA). Thepredictivevalueoftwoscoringmethodsinthediagnosisofacute pulmonaryembolism.Results67casesofpulmonaryembolismsuspected patients,invalidcasesin7cases,60caseswereeffective,conrmedbyCT pulmonaryangiography(CTPA)foracutepulmonaryembolismwith28 ...
关键词:肺栓塞;预测;Wells 评分;修正的 Geneva 评分;D-二聚体中图分类号:R563.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-6449(2015)05-0528-03The validity of Wells摧Criteria and Geneva Scoring System (revised)combined with D-dimer in predicting pulmonary embolismLINGYan-jun,ZOUXiao(Department of Internal ...