the 3 Wells score categories (low, moderate, and high pretest probability), the discrimination accuracy of the Wells score categories as the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve, the failure rate of Wells...
"Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - Wells Criteria" is a mobile app intended to help calculate the Wells score for risk of DVT. The scores are varied from -2 until 9…
The article focuses on a study that explored the accuracy of the Wells rule for excluding deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in pre-specified subgroups, which included active cancer, history of DVT, primary or hospital care setting and sex. As mentioned, the study concluded that Wells rule score 1...
The article focuses on a research done in order to determine the accuracy of the Wells clinical prediction rule for excluding deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Topics discussed include diagnosis of DVT using compression ultrasonography or venography, failure rate in patients diagnosed with DVT, and ...
Inter-observer agreement for Wells DVT score and empiric unstructured estimate of pretest probabilityCourtney, M DBrucker, KDore, LChevrier, AMcConnell, RSears, J
Evidence Based MedicineTAFUR A. A J,ow Walls score and a negative D - dimer was not safe in patients with cancer for ruling out DVT [ J ]. Evid Based Med, 2014, 19 (5): 188.Tafur A. A low Wells score and a negative D-dimer was not safe in patients with cancer for ruling ...
Interrater reliability of the Wells score as part of the assessment of DVT in the emergency department: agreement between consultant and nurse practitioner. Emerg Med J 2008;25:407-10.Dewar C, Corretge M. InteiTater reliability of the Wells score as part of the assessment of VTE in the ...