Our primary outcome was the Wells score's utility for risk stratification among inpatients with suspected DVT as measured by the difference in incidence of proximal DVT among the 3 Wells score categories (low, moderate, ...
"Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - Wells Criteria" is a mobile app intended to help calculate the Wells score for risk of DVT. The scores are varied from -2 until 9…
Wells评分联合DD检测可辅助早期筛查DVT,降低DVT漏诊率,并有效排除DVT。 关键词: D-二聚体, Wells评分, 深静脉血栓 Abstract: Objective To investigate the significance of clinical probability model Wells' score combined with D-dimer(DD)determination for screening deep vein thrombosis(DVT). Methods A ...
结论高龄髋部骨折患者围术期Wells评分及D-二聚体水平可用于下肢DVT临床诊断。 [Abstract] Objective To explore the application value of Wells score and D-dimer in the prediction of perioperative deep venous thrombosis(DVT)of lower limbs in elderly patients with hip fracture. Methods A retrospective ...
the Wells score for PE Calculating and interpreting the Wells score4,5,7,9, 10 Clinical paramete Points Clinically suspected DVT 3 Alternative diagnosis less likely than 3 PE Tachycardia 1.5 Immobilization/surgery (within 4 1.5 weeks) History of DVT or PE 1.5 Hemoptysis 1 Malignancy (treatment ...
1 TOTAL Score Traditional interpretation <2.0 Low probability of PE 2.0-6.0 Moderate probability of PE >6.0 High probability of PE Score Alternative classification scheme ≤4.0 PE unlikely >4.0 PE likely DVT, deep venous thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism. the Wells score for PE©...
摘要 目的探讨血清白细胞表面分化抗原40配体(CD40 ligand,CD40L)联合Wells评分对产褥期深静脉血栓(deep vein thrombosis,DVT)的诊断价值及其与凝血、血小板功能及炎症指标的相关性。方法...展开更多 Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of serum CD40L combined with Wells score for postpartum deep vein ...
1、【关键词】 Wells评分法;静脉血栓栓塞癥;肺血栓栓塞癥;定量预测方法静脉血栓栓塞癥(VTE)包括深静脉血栓(DVT)和肺血栓栓塞癥(PTE)。因PTE为肺栓塞(PE)最常见类型,占PE的绝大多数,故通常所称PE即指PTE。在西方国家VTE发病率约121。VTE患者漏诊误诊后,可以发生猝死、慢性肺动脉高压等严重并发癥,因此VTE的早期...
阴性预测值为94.83%,阳性似然比为11.30,阴性似然比为0.06.结论 Wells评分结合D-二聚体检测可以确定创伤后DVT诊断.如果Wells评分<2而且D-二聚体检测结果 为阴性就可以基本排除DVT诊断;如果Wells评分≥2而且D-二聚体检测结果 为阳性就应该考虑DVT诊断.两项指标联合评估可以避免一些不必要的搬动创伤患者,减少检查,...
曹春风等研究显示,Wells 评分联合D-二聚体在排除下肢DVT中有很好的应用价值[9]。杜辛歌等[10]的研究中超声检查敏感度为83.5%,特异度为77.5%、阳性预测值90.27%,阴性测值65.26%,尤其是早期急性肺栓塞,超声心动图的作用有限。林茂煌等[11]研究显示:Wells 评分对恶性肿瘤患者的肺栓塞具有诊断价值,合并D-二聚体...