The population of Poland could be of particular interest to researchers studying religion and spirituality. Catholicism has played a significant role in sh
Well, the idea of “that of God in everyone” seemed right. The stern Catholic tradition of my youth framed it differently. We are all made in God’s image. We have fallen. If we are good, we’ll get into heaven and live forever. The Friendly framing spoke to me–a spark of the ...
The Catholic Church offered up the body of the Virgin Mother, more heaven than ocean, as territory for licentious desires. It is possible to trace the process of sexualization of that body through legends surrounding Mary from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries onward […] The secular body ...
3. Friday Fasting. My family fasts from meat on Fridays. No, I’m not Catholic. But it’s a practice I think makes a lot of sense for Protestants too, which is why I’m including it here. Why? First, it established a corporate family fast. It’s something we can all do together...
The Latin of the Catholic Church, Spanish, and various native languages (Mayan, Nahuatl, Totonac, and Quechua come to mind) were all used and produced a mix of language that became the official Spanish of the time. Some prehispanic words that are used today in Spanish include ahuacate (...
But you must be stupid if you don’t know WHY other people are doing it, especially if you are the “target” of the praise. Some people might seriously mean it, and I have every respect for those being honest and genuine with their compliments, but even if you are 10 times better ...
And when I heard her speak about resilience and her take on the Adverse Childhood Experience model (known as ACES), I just knew I had to have her on the show. While the world, and the US in particular, might be in breakdown, there are leaders that are already rebuilding, and actually...
At the start of the study, none of the participants (n= 997 older Catholic priests, nuns and brothers who participated in the Religious Orders Study) showed signs of dementia. The average age was 75. The subjects were given IQ tests and tests to measure self-direction (conscientiousness) and...
Way back when, English speakers showed whether a noun was a subject, object, etc. by adding suffixes to the end of the noun. This is called *inflection*. That way, the words could come in any order and the sentence would make sence. However, English speakers started to almost always us...
RomanCatholic Westminster Cathedral Nearly 000mourners joined his wife Maria hischildren respectsSeveral diplomats including Commonwealthsecretary general Chief Emeka Anyaoku SouthAfrican president Thabo Mbeki attended TanzanianHigh Commissioner Londonaddressed gatheringsaying allTanzanians would have heartover Dr...