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We discuss that here: thus denies the basics of the Christian faith. Lastly, Ortho-pagans like you think that adding 'Lol' to your comment bolsters your argument. It doesn't. In your case, it just ...
Robert Ingersoll might be instanced, but though popular speakers and writers of this type may create a certain amount of unlearned disturbance, they are not treated seriously by thinking men, and it is extremely doubtful whether they deserve a place in any historical or philosophical exposition ...
This is important to acknowledge because 1) it once again highlights the distinction between the teaching of theologians and the Magisterium; and 2) there are some “traditionalist” speakers and writers who to this day stubbornly insist that St. Thomas was not even wrong on the matter! They ...
‘hate speakers’, and frequently forced to make public apologies simply for expressing its belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. And asa writerfor the Irish Independent says, ‘It’s not a debate if one side can’t speak’. The public discussion before the Irish ...
Ten years on, we were excited to be invited recently to record a short interview on “Military Life and Marriage” for theCatholic Engaged Summit. The virtual conference’s goal is to offer engaged couples a huge range of resources through more than 30 seasoned Catholic couples/speakers on top...
was right as I reached the summit, with the Griffin pub on the left, and Danbury church on the right, which local legend has as being the highest point in Essex, that the shocking headline that Diana Princess of Wales has been killed in a car accident, blared through the car speakers....
Cardinal Marx was one of several speakers at the end of the installation Mass. Among the bishops present was a selection of German prelates, as well as bishops from Cameroon, Burundi, Romania and the Netherlands: due to the close ties between Fulda and Groningen-Leeuwarden in the person of ...
But this means that the resulting translation doesn’t sound exactly the way English speakers talk, and that can make the text harder to read. Other “dynamic” translations—such as the Good News Bible—try to sound more like contemporary English speech. They seek to provide a “thought-for...
A line up of speakers including author James Fitzhenry with a few comments from his new book Pelayo King of Asturias, The War of the Vendeé director Jim Morlino, and Pelayo director, Mary Bowen LIVE interactions with film creators Mary, Faustina, Michael and Becket Bowen ...