Furthermore, only 23 minutes away the main brewery for beer magnate Coors. What I am saying is that it’s highly likely these aliens are working night jobs in the greater Denver area. Knocking off their shift around 6 a.m. and somehow sneaking into the source of Rocky Mountain refreshments...
We can clearly see the kinds of jobs that will be lost. “All these people will be without jobs! They’ll starve! We have to have UBI!” Uh, no. Consider the following graphic. There’s some interesting stuff here. Farmers, farm laborers, and private domestics were 40% of the total...
“Modern UFO lore,” he continues, “from the very beginning of the 1950s contactee era, referenced how the Venusians, along with other visitors from nearby planets, looked so much like us that they managed to clandestinely secure jobs in major corporations and even high-ranking political positi...
When we got these boxes, I was at first surprised that we had ordered four computer mice. I have no idea why we needed that many, because we have a lot of spare mice in our offices. The boxes looked quite damaged as well, which doesn't surprise me too much, as packages can sometim...