We can clearly see the kinds of jobs that will be lost. “All these people will be without jobs! They’ll starve! We have to have UBI!” Uh, no. Consider the following graphic. There’s some interesting stuff here. Farmers, farm laborers, and private domestics were 40% of the total...
“Modern UFO lore,” he continues, “from the very beginning of the 1950s contactee era, referenced how the Venusians, along with other visitors from nearby planets, looked so much like us that they managed to clandestinely secure jobs in major corporations and even high-ranking political positi...
There are drawbacks to being a pretty private person – one of them is always being accused of being “aloof”, “condescending”, “too serious”, “cold”, or “uncaring”. I once received professional feedback that my staff perceived me as being “cold and uncaring”, and I once ha...
Although most of us are used to fairly conventional jobs, the truth is that there are some truly bizarre jobs. In many cases, they are very unusual, but they need people who are willing to do them. Let’s take a look at five of these proposals. The truth is that it would be ...