what Dupieux is about. I love that no idea is too crazy, and that someone out there is making comedies that are cleverandoutlandish. But too often, his movies just seem to stop. He’s got the middles nailed, and is good enough setting his various gears in motion (maybe...
We are delighted you have come to visit us here. Have you come to dig through our electronic archive of beautiful sounds? Below you'll find all 2,442 posts from 2009-2019. Everything from spirit-healing ethereal harmonies to dimension-jumping polyrhythms and brain-melting shreddery. It's ...
And with Portland’s abundance of breweries (including plenty that are gluten-free), there’s no better place to work on your advanced degree in craft beer appreciation.Relax in the warm soaking pool at McMenamins Kennedy School. Credit: Ashley Anderson...
Weird objects are always found in pools, no matter the location.Swimming Worldasked some athletes what the weirdest things they’ve seen in the pool were. Here are 13 of their responses. Feel free to add your sightings in the comments. 1. Austin, 20 Photo Courtesy: Samuel Wolfl “When I...
Athens in Paul's days looked just like a modern shopping mall, where people are continuously bombarded with hypnotizing images that entice them to part with both their money and their proper judgment (Acts 17:16). Our souls are now our wallets, our jobs are our lives and the loss of ...
Looking at the photos it looks too light to be black and I think black would be a bit dull….and I find all black paint jobs difficult to get anywhere near realistic. I went with blue (Tamiya X-4) because I think it would be the next most likely…..well that's a bit of a ...
We can clearly see the kinds of jobs that will be lost. “All these people will be without jobs! They’ll starve! We have to have UBI!” Uh, no. Consider the following graphic. There’s some interesting stuff here. Farmers, farm laborers, and private domestics were 40% of the total...
Furthermore, only 23 minutes away the main brewery for beer magnate Coors. What I am saying is that it’s highly likely these aliens are working night jobs in the greater Denver area. Knocking off their shift around 6 a.m. and somehow sneaking into the source of Rocky Mountain refreshments...
“Modern UFO lore,” he continues, “from the very beginning of the 1950s contactee era, referenced how the Venusians, along with other visitors from nearby planets, looked so much like us that they managed to clandestinely secure jobs in major corporations and even high-ranking political positi...
It worked! The now-living corpse began making an odd breathing sound that scared everyone, but after 20 minutes, Kuliabko terminated the experiment on his “human zombie.” Collider 35. iToilet According to his authorized biography by Walter Isaacson, Apple CEO Steve Jobs had a rather unusual...