How To Build The World's Best Paper Airplanes 15Shares Photography Movie Stills vs Real Life Using his iPhone, French amateur artist and history teacher François Dourlen inserts iconic film stills into everyday scenes.More 1 2 3
with names appearing in every possible location: sneaker brand, chocolate bar, upchuck in a urinal. (The director reserves that last one for himself.) Several have even been thoughtfully chosen to match, like the costume designer’s name stitched on a letter jacket or the sound...
The cat gets lost and falls into the wrong hands. The children protest by going into hiding. The parents lose their cool each in their own way, and in one delightful scene stand on tree stumps in the forest calling out their children’s names under the direction of a conductor. In the ...
Trump :"I didn't think of it until yesterday. I said you know this is a big decision". Everyone : *sigh He will blame "the greatest minds" if anything goes off the tracks. Again "no responsibility." “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and be...
But there are many more Norse myths that are often disturbing, disgusting, and sometimes downright funny. And yes, before you ask, Loki is involved in most of them. You see, the gods in ancient Norse myths had one thing in common with the Greek gods: they were fallible and totally ...
It’s funny to think about, but this no-burp scenario highlights a broader point about space travel. Living in space requires us to relearn and adapt basic bodily functions. Everything from sleeping to eating to going to the bathroom is different up there. Astronauts undergo extensive training...
False leaders are never funny. True leaders always are. A primitive proto-prokaryotic society has its fringe people on its outer periphery, and it dies and dries up if it rejects its fringe. A eukaryotic society has its fringe people not on its periphery but in its nucleus as its most ...
This is another one of those lake names that is just a funny word to say. I've fished this lake pictured a few times, and whenever I've told people about it, they always chuckle. I'd guess it could easily be named after the chub fish, but most people would chuckle because of the...
This is another one of those lake names that is just a funny word to say. I've fished this lake pictured a few times, and whenever I've told people about it, they always chuckle. I'd guess it could easily be named after the chub fish, but most people would chuckle because of the...
CUSTER AVENUE – a great street to stage a ‘Last Stand’. Brian StephensonCUT OFF ROAD – I checked and yep, it’s a cut off. Funny if not utilitarian. FOLSOM AVENUE - Instantly makes me think of Johnny Cash and kinda makes me feel hemmed-in for some reason. ...