the Noahic patriarchs, biblicists can make sense of Sumerian data and revolutionize the image of world history at its source. To make good on this premise, it is essential to compare and match names from king lists and mythological pantheons. What emerges from these comparisons is a set of ...
There's even scavs with the last name of 'Terminator' (or pretty similar). yes ElectroStalin Member 108 Posted April 12, 2021 Here is a breakdown of AI names if anyone is interested: Scavs names consist of 2 random parts: First name + nickname. First names are legit names you...
As it turns out, there are more wacky and weird scholarships than you can imagine. And they’re here to help you make education affordable. Explore this list and find where you fit. When you’re ready,Going Merry makes applying a breeze. Create an account to get started ✅ Start your ...
Last Year at Marienbad[L’Année Dernière à Marienbad] (1961)– Trapped in a ghostly hotel, a man insists he met a woman last year; the woman denies it; things get strange The Legend of Suram Fortress[Ambavi Suramis Tsikhitsa] (1984)– The fortress of Suram is doomed to crumble eter...
As it turns out, however, the world and its history are full of interesting stories and mind-blowing tidbits, so we’ve gathered some of the best ones in this list of random interesting facts. Here you’ll find a group of weird facts that are so incredible, you’ll have a hard time...
and :b?;all alteration results:(print(get-alteration-result-list wer));or as a `hash-map`:(print(get-alteration-result-map wer)) alterationnames must bekeywordsthat end with?. (There is an exception, seeLoopingbelow.) And using the same name for multiple alterationswillresult in undefined...
Could you provide all available specifics, about those "files that have odd names, names of sequences or old titles that i gave to previous files that I've exported in the past"???It would be interesting to get a list of files in your output directory, before a...
It wasn't cheating, or the last soup out of the soup-kettle. Chicken skin's what the recipe called for. Eventually though, like a rose growing in the wilderness, a dish was spotted in the menu which we could eat. Lemon chicken. Now, lemon chicken is, according to Chinese people I ...