Second-order nonlinear systemsWeighted linearizationLyapunov functionSaddle pointDIFFERENTIAL-EQUATIONSAPPROXIMATIONSTABILITYMATRICESORDERRecently, an interesting idea on generalizing the traditional linearization technique by weighting integration of the Jacobian matrix over the state space has been introduced, and ...
17.Uniform Weighting and Adaptive Fit Technology for Terrain Stochastic Linearization地形随机线性化的一致加权自适应拟合技术 18.The Research about the Non-Linear Bending Question of Circular Sandwich Plates by Method of Weighted Residuals;夹层圆板非线性弯曲问题的加权残值解法 相关短句/例句 linear weighting...
32. A good model of brain activity, therefore, must also exhibit subject specificity. To assess whether model performance was, indeed, subject-specific, we estimated weights using three of every subject’s four resting state scans, and used those weights to predict the activity of the held-out...
,xN denote the locations of the down-jumps of the entropy solution. The important advantage of shift-variations is that this framework allows to develop an adjoint calculus for hyperbolic conservation laws by using an averaged sensitivity equation which avoids the linearization of (4) in the usual...
The advantage of the multiplicative extended Kalman filter over the extended Kalman filter is that the error between the estimated direction and the true direction is much smaller than the error in the actual direction, ultimately leading to smaller linearization errors. Moreover, the MEKF requires ...
Kalman filter is commonly used in data filtering and parameters estimation of nonlinear system, such as projectile's trajectory estimation and control. While there is a drawback that the prior error covariance matrix and f
A weighted dual criterion of the equivalent linearization method for nonlinear systems subjected to random excitationActa Mechanica - This paper introduces and discusses a weighted form of the dual mean-square error criterion by considering weighted contributions of forward and return replacements adjusted ...
nonlinear oscillationslinearizationperiod approximationweight functionsodd polynomialssinehyperbolic sinetangentPeriod approximations for conservative, one-dimensional, non-linear oscillating systems are considered. The approximation technique used is linearization of the non-linear restoring function governing the ...
NONLINEAR systemsNONLINEAR theoriesELECTRONIC linearizationCOEFFICIENTS (Statistics)VIBRATION (Mechanics)This paper introduces and discusses a weighted form of the dual mean-square error criterion by considering weighted contributions of forward and return replacements adjusted by a specific......
A Computer Method of the Formal Linearization for Nonlinear Systems by the Weighted Residual Proceduredoi:10.9746/SICETR1965.27.283Hitoshi TakataThe Society of Instrument and Control Engineers