scipy.stats.weibull_max= <scipy.stats._continuous_distns.weibull_max_gen object># Weibull 最大连续随机变量。 Weibull 最大极值分布,来自极值理论(Fisher-Gnedenko 定理),是重新调整后的 iid 随机变量最大值的极限分布。如果 X 来自weibull_min函数,则这是 -X 的分布。 作为rv_continuous类的实例,weibull_...
weibull_distribution::max (C++11) Non-member functions operator==operator!= (C++11)(C++11)(until C++20) operator<<operator>> (C++11)(C++11) result_type max() const; (since C++11) Returns the maximum value potentially generated by the distribution. Parameters (none) Return value The ...
Ristic, Marshall-Olkin q-Weibull distribution and max-min processes. Statist. Papers 51(2010)837-851.Jose, K.K., Naik, S.R., Ristic, M.M (2010) Marshall Olkin q-Weibull Distribution and Max- Min Processes, Statistical Papers, 51, 837-851....
Weibullplot(samplemax75)Mainmenu Input Note= Bearingnumber= Numberofsample=(max75) SamplesUnit:[hours] 1 2 3 4 5 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930 3132333435 3637383940 4142434445 4647484950 5152535455 5657585960 6162636465 6667686970 7172737475 *incaseofprematureending,withnegativesign 90...
维生素E-β-环糊精包合物溶出度研究及Weibull模型分析.pdf,ofMathematical Journal Medicine V01.23 No.3 2010 文章编号:1004~4337(2010)03—0344—04 文献标识码:A 中图分类号:R927.II ·药学研究· 维生素E—G一环糊精包合物溶出度研究及 Weibull模型分析△ 金燕
基于Origin平台的滚动疲劳寿命Weibull分析.pdf,ISSN 1000 - 3762 轴承 2 0 10年 6期 38 - 40 CN 4 1 - 1148 / TH B earing 2 0 10 , No. 6 基于 O ri gin平台的滚动疲劳寿命 W eibu ll分析 张军利 ,陈建春 ,周井玲 (南通大学 机械工程学院 ,江苏 南通 226007) 摘要 :通过对
MaxEWMAaverage run lengthTo monitor a Weibull process with individual measurements, some methods such as power transformation, inverse erf function, and Box鈥揅ox transformation have been used to transform the Weibull data to a normal distribution. In this study, we conduct a simulation study to ...
(2010). Marshall-olkin q-weibull distribution and max-min processes. Statistical papers, 51(4), 837-851. KK, NAIK S AND RISTIĆ MM. 2010. Marshall-Olkin q-Weibull distribution and max-min processes. Stat Pap 51: 837-851....
W.-C. Lee, "Inferences on the lifetime performance index for Weibull distribution based on censored observations using the max p-value method," International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 42, no. 6, pp. 931-937, 2011.W. C. Lee,"Inference on the lifetime performance index for Weibull...
Finally, to illustrate the effectiveness of our Bayesian Max-EWMA control chart under various Loss Functions (LFs) for a Weibull process, we present a practical case study focusing on the hard-bake process in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. This case study highlights the adaptability of ...