plot n. 1.[U,C] 故事情节;布局 2.[C] 阴谋;密谋 3.[C](专用的)小块土地 v.[I,T] 1. 密谋;暗中策划 v.[T] 1.(在地图上)画出,标出 2. 绘制( sub plot n. (戏剧、小说等的)次要情节 mar plot n. 因干预而坏事的人 cross plot 综合图表,交会图,交会图法 garden plot 园地 pl...
一般认为近似直线因此可认为满足weibull假设。 plot(x=log(fit0$time),y=log(-log(fit0$surv)),type = "b",main="log(-log(KM_estimate)) vs. log(t)", xlab = "log(t)", ylab = "log(-log(KM_estimate))",col=4) Lm<- lm(log(-log(fit0$surv))[-60]~log(fit0$time)[-60]) abl...
Statistics WeibullPlot generate Weibull plots Calling Sequence Parameters Description Options Examples Compatibility Calling Sequence WeibullPlot( X , options , plotoptions ) Parameters X - data options - (optional) equation(s) of the form option=value..
Weibullplot(samplemax75)Mainmenu Input Note= Bearingnumber= Numberofsample=(max75) SamplesUnit:[hours] 1 2 3 4 5 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930 3132333435 3637383940 4142434445 4647484950 5152535455 5657585960 6162636465 6667686970 7172737475 *incaseofprematureending,withnegativesign 90...
A Weibull plot is a graphical data analysis technique for determining if a 2-parameter (location t 0 = 0) Weibull distribution provides a good distributional model for the data. A good distributional fit is indicated by linearity in the Weibull plot. It consists of:Vertical axis =cumulative ...
x_pweibull <- seq(- 5, 30, by = 1) # Specify x-values for pweibull function y_pweibull <- pweibull(x_pweibull, shape = 0.1) # Apply pweibull function plot(y_pweibull) # Plot pweibull values 编辑 安利一个R语言的优秀博主及其CSDN专栏: 博主博客地址: 博主R语言专栏地...
5. 绘制拟合曲线:使用plot函数绘制拟合曲线,并将图表美化。 下面是MATLAB代码示例: % 导入数据 data = xlsread('data.xlsx'); % 创建拟合曲线对象 weibull_fit = cfit('a*x^b*exp(-x^b/a)', 'a', 'b', 'x'); % 设置拟合参数 options = fitoptions('Method','NonlinearLeastSquares',... 'Sta...
plot(v,fv);%风速分布 xlabel('风速v(m/s)'); ylabel('概率密度f(v)'); %weibull分布参数估计及概率表达式求解完毕 ⛄ 运行结果 ⛄ 参考文献 ⛳️ 完整代码 ️部分理论引用网络文献,若有侵权联系博主删除 ️ 关注我领取海量matlab电子书和数学建模资料...
statistical analysis/ Weibull plotexperimental modulus of rupture dataprobability estimatorsample sizecorrection factors/ A6220M Fatigue, brittleness, fracture, and cracks A8140N Fatigue, embrittlement, and fractureCrack propagation thresholds in brittle materials are explained by consideration of the work ...
k=1.8;c=6;v=0:.1:50;fv=k/c*(v/c).^(k-1).*exp(-(v/c).^k);plot(v,fv); %风速分布 xlabel('v');ylabel('f(v)');