# R Program to compute the value of # Quantile Weibull Function # Creating a sequence of x-values x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.02) # Calling qweibull() Function y <- qweibull(x, shape = 0.7) # Plot a graph plot(y) R Copy
范例2: # R program to compute random # Weibull Density # Setting seed for # random number generation set.seed(1000) # Set sample size N <- 100 # Calling rweibull() Function y <- rweibull(N, shape = 0.5) # Plot a graph plot(y) 输出:相关...
One typical plot that is often included in the analysis is the Weibull probability plot in which the data are plotted as points on a special type of graph paper known as Weibull probability paper. If the data belong to a Weibull probability density function, they will fall approximately on a...
范例2: # R Program to compute the value of# Quantile Weibull Function# Creating a sequence of x-valuesx<- seq(0, 1, by = 0.02)# Callingqweibull() Functiony<-qweibull(x, shape =0.7)# Plot a graphplot(y) 输出:
2.在菜单栏中选择"Graph"(图表)选项。 3.在下拉菜单中选择"Probability Plot"(概率图)。 4.在弹出的对话框中,选择"Weibull"作为你的分布类型。 5.在"Variables"(变量)区域中,选择你想要分析的数据列。 6.点击"OK",Minitab会生成一个威布尔概率图。 在生成的图表中,如果数据点大致沿着参考线排列,那么我们可...
Ifβ > 1, the failure rate increases with time Use absolute references to lock a cell. Download Practice Workbook How to Plot Poisson Distribution in Excel How to Plot Particle Size Distribution Curve in Excel How to Create a Probability Distribution Graph in Excel...
AgglomeratedPlot AreaChart BarChart Biplot BoxPlot BubblePlot ColumnGraph Correlogram CumulativeSumChart DensityPlot ErrorPlot FrequencyPlot GridPlot HeatMap Histogram KernelDensityPlot LineChart NormalPlot ParetoChart PieChart PointPlot ProbabilityPlot ProfileLikelihood ProfileLogLikelihood QuantilePlot ScatterPlot ...
Graphoutputyesno Output Weibullplot(samplemax75)Mainmenu Input Note= Bearingnumber= Numberofsample=(max75) SamplesUnit:[hours] 1 2 3 4 5 678910 1112131415 1617181920 2122232425 2627282930 3132333435 3637383940 4142434445 4647484950 5152535455 5657585960 6162636465 6667686970 7172737475 *incaseofprematureend...
Double-click on the Probability Plot in the report sheet. Then click on the Add Percentile Lines button at the bottom right of the graph to open the Add Percentile Lines dialog. Specify percentile lines by Percent (%) . Set Percent Value (%) to 30 Click OK button to calculate the time...
After collecting data about the process, you chooseStat > Quality Tools > Capability Analysis > Normal…and create the following plot: Hmmmm. See the problem? These data clearly don’t follow a normal distribution; none of the data points fall under the far left side of the normal...