1) 编辑/etc/redis/redis.conf```bind supervised no
constructor (url) { super(url) return this } /** * heartBeatConfig 心跳连接参数 * time: 心跳时间间隔 * timeout: 心跳超时间隔 * reconnect: 断线重连时间间隔 * isReconnect 是否断线重连 */ init (heartBeatConfig, isReconnect) { this.onopen = this.openHandler // 连接成功后的回调函数 this....
ws.connect的必传参数为 URL 和回调函数。 若连接建立成功,PTS 会将创建好的ws.Socket对象传入回调函数。您可在回调函数里,定义您的 WebSocket 请求逻辑。 执行完回调函数,ws.connect会返回ws.Response对象。 ws.Socket对象的常用方法: send:发送文本消息。
setTimeout(function () { createWebsocket(url); flag = true; }, 5000) } //建立websocket连接函数 function createWebsocket(url) { try { ws = new WebSocket(url); // 对WebSocket各种事件进行监听方法,onopen那些 init(ws); } catch (e) { ...
WebSocketfrom'react-use-websocket';// In functional React componentconstgetSocketUrl=useCallback(()=>{returnnewPromise((resolve)=>{setTimeout(()=>{resolve('wss://echo.websocket.org');},2000);});},[]);const{sendMessage,lastMessage,readyState,getWebSocket}=useWebSocket(getSocketUrl,STATIC_...
(this);});form.action=url;// 在指定的iframe中执行formform.target=iframe.name;form.method='post';for(letnameindata){node.name=name;node.value=data[name].toString();form.appendChild(node.cloneNode());}// 表单元素需要添加到主文档中.form.style.display='none';document.body.appendChild(form)...
CUBEestablishes a TCP connection with the destination URL provided in a forking request. The host address that is provided in the URL may either be an IPv4 address or a fully qualified domain name that is resolved using DNS. Once a connection is made with a destination, it...
frontend JupyterServices mode http bind *:8888 use_backend jupyter-1 if { hdr_beg(Host) -i ws } { url_sub -i endpoint=jupyter-instance-1 } use_backend jupyter-2 if { hdr_beg(Host) -i ws } { url_sub -i endpoint=jupyter-instance-2 } backend jupyter-1 http-request replace-path ...
Cache authentication results, time can be set to reduce API pressure. Limit the total bandwidth speed by user or client ip or server port.Specific useThe proxy's http(s)/socks5/sps proxy API function is controlled by three parameters: --auth-url and --auth-nouser and --auth-cache. The...