setReadTimeout(60000); 61 webSocketClient.enableAutomaticReconnection(5000); 62 webSocketClient.connect(); 63 } This may look like a lot, but really, we are doing four key things in this method: Starting a new WebSocket connection to the localhost “ws://”. Sending...
uuid[client.uuid]++ client.send <- hub.Count().Bytes() case client := <-h.unregister: // 删除ws h.uuid[client.uuid]-- if h.uuid[client.uuid] == 0 { delete(h.uuid, client.uuid) } } } 安全方面需要考虑的内容是: 如何检测跨站点 WebSocket 劫持漏洞? 同一设备 ws 连接数如何限制,...
} public class ClientWebSocketOptions { //public TimeSpan KeepAliveInterval { get; set; } // existing public TimeSpan KeepAlivePingTimeout { get; set; } // new // ... } Existing API shape for other keep-alives For comparison: // HTTP/2 in runtime: namespace System.Net.Http; publ...
从上图中我们可以看到,closeStatus=1000是正常关闭,closeStatus=1006是非正常关闭,一般非正常的情况就比较复杂一些,如果你查资料,大多情况都是因为websocket 连接在nginx 配置的 proxy_read_timeout 内没有收到数据,nginx主动发起的连接断开(不是客户端主动断开,也不是服务端主动断开的),本篇文章就模拟这种情况。
data: ... proxy-read-timeout: "600" # 从上游服务读取数据的超时时间 proxy-send-timeout: "600" # 向上游服务传输数据的超时时间 upstream-keepalive-timeout: "600" # 上游空闲连接超时断开时间 ... kind: ConfigMap 应用上述配置后再次测试如下图,可以看出已经生效,在没有任何数据发送的情况下,600s后...
方法名:setConnectTimeout WebSocketClient.setConnectTimeout介绍 [英]Set the timeout for connecting to the remote server. [中]设置连接到远程服务器的超时时间。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: com.nitorcreations/willow-messages privatevoidconnect()throwsException{ ...
Jetty version 9.4.28 Java version OS type/version Centos 6 Description WebSocketClient.connect(...) creates WebSocketUpgradeRequests with indefinite timeout. Even with the Future.cancel(), it would not cancel the requests. This...
Windows7虚拟机(叫它client),IP地址(仅主机模式)为192.168.50.129 首先vnc-server和client的网络是隔离的,现在让proxy-server反向代理vnc-server的noVNC服务,达到的效果是client访问proxy-server就可以访问到vnc-server的noNVC服务。 配置proxy-server proxy-server上关闭防火墙 ...