Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state 这个错误有可能的原因是该WebSocket对象正在发送问题,发送还没结束,然后调用者又调用了send方法接着继续发送,所以still in connecting,解决这个问题的方法是通过判断readyStatus延时发送: this.send = function (message, ...
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state. 问题分析 webscoket连接标志有四个值,分别对应不同的状态,如下: WebSocket.CONNECTING:值为0,表示正在连接; WebSocket.OPEN:值为1,表示连接成功,可以通信了; WebSocket.CLOSING:值为2,表示连接正在关闭; WebSocket.CLOS...
发送消息时,前端提示“Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute ‘send’ on ‘WebSocket’: Still in CONNECTING state”. 无论等多久,发送消息时都是显示Connecting state. (nettyServerUrl已设置成tomcat所在服务器外网ip, 且服务器8088端口已打开” 后端tomcat catalina.log里有显示netty server runs successful...
1、websocket Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state 一开始我只是初始化了socket,并没有发送消息过去。于是websocket 实例化后(我以为的建立成功了),就立马发送数据,就报了这个错误,说“正在连接”。其实我以为的建立成功是我看到了我在连接成功后的回调函数里打印的一句话:“WebSoc...
Hello Fraser, Liam I just moved quickly from Geo-Filter to Ping Heatmap and back, and it seems that the Ping Heatmap view did not have enough time to finish the operation. I would expect to see a loading screen or animation as long as something is still
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state. 我猜测是这一段setTimeout()执行的时候readyState依然没有打开的状态,我试着把时间设置长一点好像出现的概率小了很多,但是这似乎不是一个好的解决方案qq_花开花谢_0 浏览3080回答1 1回答 没找到需要的内容?换个关键...
ISSUE TYPE Bug Report SUMMARY Multiple ways to trigger Failed to execute 'Send' on Websocket: Still in CONNECTING state. Toggling between Job Output and Detail causes invalidstateerror. Relaunching Jobs ENVIRONMENT AWX version: 10664d1 S...
Which version of socket.io are you running? Contributor Author Have you tried another browser? Does it work with something else than chrome? Is it a specific code that doesn't work? Would it be possible to get a snippet that reproduces this problem?
<数据猿导读> 当前,大数据仍处于1.0时代,有两个方面是目前最确定的投资机会:1.大数据的建设。2....
(webSocketState===WebSocket.CONNECTING){console.log("Still connecting to the server, try again later!");}elseif(webSocketState===WebSocket.CLOSING||webSocketState===WebSocket.CLOSED){console.log("Connection Closed!");}else{worker.port.postMessage({// Include the sender information as a uuid to...