3. 同一代码, reconnect方法 在chrome 执行了一次,Firefox执行了两次。当然我们在几处地方(代码逻辑处和websocket事件处)绑定了reconnect(), 所以保险起见,我们还是给reconnect()方法加上一个锁,保证只执行一次 目前来看不同的浏览器,有不同的机制,无论浏览器websocket自身会不会在断网情况下执行onclose,加上心跳重...
一般断线时都会触发websocket的onclose方法,因此,只需在此方法中重新发起一个websocket连接即可 websocket.onclose = function (event) { document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "连接关闭,10秒后重新连接……"; console.log("Disconnected from WebSocket server. It will reconnect after 10 seconds...");...
After reading other issues and peaking thru the code a little bit, I understood that (and correct me pls if I'm wrong) that it tries to reconnect 3 times but what happens after that? Does it give up and I have to reconnect it manually again? Because I had an internet outage for 2 ...
reconnect(); } } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); try { LogUtils.showLog("socket service onDestroy()"); client.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } 1、重连机制需要自己来写: (1)监听网络连接, 当从断开到连上就可以调用重连 (2)在client回调的onError和on...
onclose=(type,data)=>{console.log('Websocket connection closed.');// WebSocket连接关闭if(this.reconnectAttempts<this.maxReconnectAttempts){setTimeout(()=>{this.connect();// 重新连接this.reconnectAttempts++;},2000);}else{console.error(`Websocket connection failed after${this.maxReconnectAttempts}...
onopen onmessage onmessage onmessage onclose // At this point the WebSocket instance is dead. With aReconnectingWebSocket, after anoncloseevent is called it will automatically attempt to reconnect. In addition, a connection is attempted repeatedly (with a small pause) until it succeeds. So the ...
onclose // At this point the WebSocket instance is dead. With aReconnectingWebSocket, after anoncloseevent is called it will automatically attempt to reconnect. In addition, a connection is attempted repeatedly (with a small pause) until it succeeds. So the events you receive may look something...
ws.close(); }functionreconnect(url) {if(lockReconnect)return; lockReconnect=true; setTimeout(function() {//没连接上会一直重连,设置延迟避免请求过多createWebSocket(url); lockReconnect=false; },1000); }//WebSocket将信息和日志实时推送上来;$(function() {varstrArray =newArray(); ...
constructor(url:UrlProvider,protocols?: string|string[],options?:Options)close(code?:number,reason?:string)reconnect(code?:number,reason?:string)send(data:string|ArrayBuffer|Blob|ArrayBufferView)addEventListener(type:'open'|'close'|'message'|'error',listener:EventListener)removeEventListener(type:'open...
重连 this.followFlake = false // followFlake == true 重连 //心跳检测...: JSON.stringify(data), async success() { console.log("消息发送成功"); }, }); } } //开启心跳检测..."traderid": 10260, "type": "Ping" }); }, this.timeout) } //重新连接 reconnect() { //停止发送心跳...