connection immediately; the client SHOULD wait for the server to close the connection but MAY close the connection at any time after sending and receiving a Close message, e.g., if it has not received a TCP Close from the server in a reasonable time period. 应该关闭连接,并且return SW_OK...
opened this issueMar 16, 2018· 9 comments ltAldoRainecommentedMar 16, 2018 After sending conn.disconnect() strophe gives such error and than trying to connect again. second attempt completes successfully, but there is 2 active same ws connection. ...
A data frame MAY be transmitted by either the clientorthe server at any time after opening handshake completionandbefore that endpoint has sent a Close frame (Section 5.5.1). 原文表明,协议中约定数据传输时并不是使用 Unicode 编码,而是使用数据帧(Frame)。下图描述了数据帧的组成: 数据帧由几个部分...
20ws.onmessage =function(evt){ 21varreceived_msg =; 22if(received_msg.indexOf("sorry") ==-1) { 23$("#main").append(""+"=>"+ received_msg +"") 24} 25}; 26// 连接关闭后的回调函数 27ws.onclose =function(){ 28// 关闭 websocket 29alert("连接已关闭..."); 30};...
A data frame MAY be transmitted by either the client or the server at any time after opening handshake completion and before that endpoint has sent a Close frame (Section 5.5.1). 1. 2. 3. 4. 原文表明,协议中约定数据传输时并不是使用 Unicode 编码,而是使用数据帧(Frame)。下图描述了数据帧的...
我们都知道在vue和react这种单页面组件化项目中,建立socket连接会遇到:重复连接,切换页面连接中断 ,状态...
首先先配置集群信息,必填的有 名称 均衡负责策略 集群列表,集群Destinations可以配置多个。
{//如果此Web套接字尚未读取关闭帧,则为-1receivedCloseCode=this.receivedCloseCode;receivedCloseReason=this.receivedCloseReason;if(receivedCloseCode!=-1){//被动关闭的发送-停掉发送消息用的 executor//已经读取到关闭帧--则再向服务端发一个关闭帧过去//会通过 onClosed() 通知用户streamsToClose=this....
Console.WriteLine("Client closed connection"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("End session"); // Close the connection. await relayConnection.CloseAsync(cts.Token); } } } 建立用戶端應用程式 (傳送者)在Visual Studio 中,撰寫 C# 主控台應用程式以將訊息傳送至轉送。建立...
Received close frame. I/mylogger: � I/mylogger: New state CLOSED I/mylogger: On Disconnect called. And the server code is pretty simple as well (after Switching Protocols, this code is called) prettyprint private async Task HandleWebSocketAsync(AspNetWebSocketContext context) ...