从这个版本开始,用户使用Kubernetes时需要优先选择containerd 或 CRI-O作为容器运行时。如果希望继续依赖 D...
('export CLOUDSDK_CORE_DISABLE_PROMPTS=1 ; curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash') + sh("/root/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${cluster} --zone ${zone}") + sh('curl -o /usr/bin/kubectl https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v...
负载均衡(CLB):实现流量分发和负载均衡,将请求分发到不同的后端服务器上,提高系统的可用性和性能。详细介绍请参考:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/clb 云原生容器服务(TKE):提供容器化应用程序的部署和管理能力,支持使用Kubernetes进行容器编排。详细介绍请参考:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/tke ...
Command line interface System service Containers Kubernetes Embedded Supply chain and releases Go modules verify the integrity of our dependencies and we cryptographically sign our release artifacts so you know what you can trust. Cryptographically verified Operating systems Caddy runs on every major ...
Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Remote Backups The image can be configured to automatically upload the backups to an Google Cloud Storage bucket. To enable automatic GCS backups first add --env 'GCS_BACKUPS=true' to the docker run command. In addition GCS_BACKUP_BUCKET must be properly configure...
$curl http://localhost:32769<!DOCTYPE html> ... We can stop the container and remove: $docker container stopf0cea39a8bc3f0cea39a8bc3 $docker container psCONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES $docker container rmf0
Docker : NodeJS with GCP Kubernetes Engine Docker : Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline with Jenkinsfile and Github Docker : Jenkins Master and Slave Docker - ELK : ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana Docker - ELK 7.6 : Elasticsearch on Centos 7 Docker - ELK 7.6 : Filebeat on Centos 7 Docke...
Kubernetes Amazon Web Services Google Cloud Platform Microsoft Azure Backup and Recovery Horizontal Scaling Product Activation Choose a Docker Registry Example Projects Secrets Rotation Troubleshooting Knowledge Base Document Security Overview Prevent Print or Download Open without Downloading Add a Watermark Pass...
software such as Anaconda, Kubeflow, and solutions from Cloudera and Hortonworks on the new server. UCS customers who use Kubeflow running on top of Kubernetes will find it easy to deploy AI workloads directly to Google Kubernetes Engine, taking advantage of both on-prem and cloud ML ...
Google offers ML and artificial intelligence services. They’re Google Cloud ML Engine and Vision AI. Kubernetes Engine. Managed Kubernetes service for container orchestration, ideal for deploying and managing containerized applications. Future Trends in Cloud Server Technology The cloud computing server ...