概要 Cisco WebEx Recording Format(WRF)PlayerおよびAdvanced Recording Format(ARF)Playerには ,バッファオーバーフローを引き起こす脆弱性が複数存在します.これらの脆弱性の不正利用に より,リモート攻撃者が該当プレーヤーをクラッシュさせ,場合によってはリモート攻撃者がタ ーゲットユーザの...
共有オブジェクト T26 T27 ataudio.so(音声ファイルあり) 確かに 脆弱性を含んでいないことが確認された製品 WebEx Advanced Recording Format(ARF)ファイル形式のCisco WebEx Playerは,これらの脆 弱性の影響を受けません. 他のシスコ製品においてこのア...
1漏洞描述 Cisco Webex Network Recording Player for Advanced Recording Format(ARF)是一个主要用于播放ARF格式的WebEx录制文件的媒体播放器。 Cisco Webex Network Recording Player for Advanced Recording Format (ARF) could存在远程代码执行漏洞,该漏洞是由于对Webex录制文件的未进行正确验证,攻击者可以通过向用户发送...
https://welcome.webex.com/client/wbxclient/nbr2player.msi .ARF播放器 Mac OSX官方下载地址:https:...
Cisco Webex Network Recording Player is the application that is used to play back ARF files. It is available from Cisco Webex Business Suite sites, Cisco Webex Meetings Online, and Cisco Webex Meetings Server. The player can be installed manually from the Cisco Webex website, from a user’s...
ARF-S.exe是解包程序,源代码在code文件夹里 上传者:leexuany时间:2008-06-24 Webex Recorder & Player 视频会议录像ARF文件播放 Webex Recorder & Player 视频会议录像文件WRF及ARF文件播放 官方下载 上传者:ily11时间:2019-03-01 ARF播放器-清清楚楚看教学视频 ...
Multiple buffer overflow vulnerabilities exist in the Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player for Advanced Recording Format (ARF) files. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by providing a user with a malicious ARF file via email or URL and convi
Download the player first!Watch a recording If you receive an email with a link to a Webex recording, just click on the link to watch it. There's no player required. Or if you've downloaded a file, get the Webex Player below (file types are .ARF or .WRF) for your operating ...
使用独立版录制器可以创建软件演示、教程以及销售演示等。要捕捉应用程序录制文件中的音频,只需将麦克风连接到计算机上即可。您可以从 WebEx 服务站点上下载独立版录制器。关于 WebEx 网络录制文件播放器(针对 ARF 文件)和基于网络的 WebEx 录制器 基于网络的录制器可用于在线会议。该录制器将捕捉到的...