ARF播放器cisco WebEx Player欣妹**欣妹 上传13.27 MB 文件格式 msi ARF 思科WebEx ARF网络型在线录制视频文件播放器点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 谈初中英语教学如何帮助学生提升写作水平.docx 2024-12-29 20:31:55 积分:1 ...
思科WebEX视频会议录制文件播放器,用于会议回放 适用于 Windows 版本, 用于播放ARF格式视频。 上传者:lcak00时间:2018-08-28 WebEx播放器arf Cisco网络视频会议; WebEx播放器arf arf_player nbr2player_GB.msi Cisco 上传者:e804795542e时间:2010-01-05 ...
Trusted by millions. Cisco Webex is the ultimate tool for online video conference calls. 4K HD video & audio. Intuitive meetings. Favorite integrations.
Trusted by millions. Cisco Webex is the ultimate tool for online video conference calls. 4K HD video & audio. Intuitive meetings. Favorite integrations.
概要 Cisco WebEx Recording Format(WRF)PlayerおよびAdvanced Recording Format(ARF)Playerには ,バッファオーバーフローを引き起こす脆弱性が複数存在します.これらの脆弱性の不正利用に より,リモート攻撃者が該当プレーヤーをクラッシュさせ,場合によってはリモート攻撃者がタ ーゲットユーザの...
It is available from Cisco Webex Business Suite sites, Cisco Webex Meetings Online, and Cisco Webex Meetings Server. The player can be installed manually from the Cisco Webex website, from a user’s Webex site, or automatically when a user accesses an ARF file for streaming playback from a...
The Cisco Webex Network Recording Player is the application that is used to play back ARF files. It is available from Cisco Webex Business Suite sites, Cisco Webex Meetings Online, and Cisco Webex Meetings Server. The player can be installed manually from the Cisco Webex website, from the use...
Download CSAF Email Summary Multiple vulnerabilities in the Cisco Webex Network Recording Player for Advanced Recording Format (ARF) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a targeted system. The vulnerabilities are due to improper validation of Webex recording files....
I want to download recordings that were uploaded by my college. When I try to open a shared link it redirects me to the Webex site of my college and it installs a Network recording player & plays the recording in it. Through the Network recording
In the prompt it mentions "an additional webex conversion tool" to convert files to mp4...Just curious as to why we have to download additional components to the WebEx ARF player in order to convert from .ARF format to .mp4. As well, is there any type of a stand-alone version of...