not harder. explore small business solutions starter suite pro suite marketing sales service commerce productivity with slack small business pricing partner apps & experts back partner apps & experts get the most out of salesforce with partners, apps, solutions, and consultants. a...
6):如果在第3步的时候出现URL无法访问的异常,根据异常信息可以到Remote Site Setting中把WSDL文件中用到URL添加到Salesforce中 7):当然了在Salesforce中同样可以调用外部所提供的Rest Service,并且调用Rest Service的方式显得更加的简洁。 简单的调用代码如下所示: publicvoidcallRestService() { HttpRequest req=newH...
在salesforce中开发-新建apex类。具体内容如下所示 2):在保存好上述的class之后,我们到setup --> build --> develop --> apex classes 中找到刚刚保存的class,我们会发现在对应的Action中有WSDL这个选项,此选项就是Salesforce默认所提供的将Web Service的class转化成WSDL文件。如下图所示 3):点击上图的WSDL按钮...
Call External Web Service from Salesforce Apex Some times , you may need to call an extenal web service which might have written on a serverside language like .net, php or java. Once you made your web service on the serverside or you can use a third party web service api. I will e...
not harder. explore small business solutions starter suite pro suite marketing sales service commerce productivity with slack small business pricing partner apps & experts back partner apps & experts get the most out of salesforce with partners, apps, solutions, and consultants. about our partners ex...
Salesforce and AWS Partner together to Unify Developer Experiences and Launch New Intelligent Applications
* The login call is used to obtain a token from Salesforce. * This token must be passed to all other calls to provide * authentication. */ private boolean login() throws ServiceException { String userName = getUserInput("Enter username: "); String password = getUserInput("Enter password...
与使用Future方法相比,使用该接口是运行异步Apex代码的增强方式。长时间运行的顶点进程(如大量数据库操作或外部 Web 服务标注)可以通过实现可排队接口并将作业添加到Apex作业队列来异步运行,异步Apex作业在其自己的线程中在后台运行,并且不会延迟主Apex逻辑的执行,每个排队的作业在系统资源变为可用时运行,如果 Apex...
* The login call is used to obtain a token from Salesforce. * This token must be passed to all other calls to provide * authentication. */ private boolean login() throws ServiceException { String userName = getUserInput("Enter username: "); String password = getUserInput("Enter password...
msdyn_salesforcestructuredqnaconfig Salesforce Structured QnA Config Entity that represents the Salesforce Structured QnA Config. msdyn_schedule Schedule Generic refresh schedule msdyn_serviceconfiguration Service Configuration msdyn_slakpi SLA KPI msdyn_solutionhealthrule Solution Health Rule msdyn_sol...