**步骤1:创建AWS账号和访问密钥** 在AWS上开通一个账号,并在IAM服务中创建一个具有适当权限的访问密钥。 **步骤2:在AWS上创建EC2实例** 首先,使用AWS控制台登录账号,找到EC2服务,按照流程创建一个新的EC2实例,选择合适的实例类型和配置。 **步骤3:安装Kubernetes集群** Kubernetes可以以不同的方式安装,一种常见...
10. Hosting a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) on an Amazon EC2 Instance 除了托管Amazon RDS之外,您还可以在EC2实例上安装其他关系性数据库RDBMS(如MySQL、Oracle、sqlserver或DB2)并自己管理它。在amazon ec2上托管数据库的AWS客户成功地使用了多种主/从和复制模型,包括用于只读拷贝的镜像和用于始终...
2.4. Create a New Bucket on AWS S3 Now click on the create a bucket in the S3 console, and enter a bucket name. Please note that the bucket name is unique in the overall AWS platform, so you might face some error message like bucket already exists if you enter a duplicate bucket nam...
### 步骤 1:创建AWS账号并登录AWS控制台 首先,您需要在AWS官方网站上创建一个账号,并登录AWS控制台。 ### 步骤 2:配置S3存储桶 接下来,创建一个S3存储桶来存储您的网站文件。您可以通过AWS控制台轻松完成此操作。 ```bash aws s3api create-bucket --bucket my-website-bucket --region us-west-2 ```...
v Hosting Static Websites on AWS Hosting Static Websites on AWS AWS Whitepaper Publication date: May 21, 2021 (Document revisions) Abstract This whitepaper covers comprehensive architectural guidance for developing, deploying, and managing static websites on Amazon Web Services (AWS) while keeping ...
Hosting Static Websites on AWS PDFRSS Publication date: May 21, 2021 (Document revisions) Abstract This whitepaper covers comprehensive architectural guidance for developing, deploying, and managing static websites on Amazon Web Services (AWS) while keeping operational simplicity and busines...
Hosting static website on AWS http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/website-hosting-custom-domain-walkthrough.html#root-domain-walkthrough-before-you-begin 1. buy a domain from godaddy, for example: example.com 2. create 2 bucket in S3, one called "example.com", another called...
Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 is extremely easy, and on top of that it’s actually (in our opinion) pretty cheap too! Amazon offers a “free usage tier” for the first year and as long as you stay under a certain amount of usage, you don’t have to pay for the GET and...
接下来,您将使用AWS Amplify Console来部署您刚提交到 Git 的网站。Amplify Console 负责设置存储静态 Web 应用程序代码位置的工作,并提供多种有用功能来简化该应用程序的生命周期,并且支持最佳实践。 启动AWS Amplify控制台。 选择入门。 在Amplify Hosting 托管您的 Web 应用程序标题下,选择入门。
AWS products or services are provided “as is” without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, and this document is not part of, nor does it modify, any ...