在本模块中,您将使用 React(用于构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库)新建一个 Web 应用程序,同时了解如何为第一个项目配置 AWS Amplify。
AWS Amplify 包含您建置 Web 和行動應用程式所需的一切。輕鬆入門,易於擴展。 開始使用 Amplify 試用實作教學 從想法到開發出應用程式,僅需數小時 部署伺服器端渲染的靜態前端應用程式,開發 UI,新增身分驗證和儲存等功能,連線至即時資料來源,並擴展到數百萬使用者。無需雲端專業知識。
Q2. Is amplify part of AWS? Ans. It is a comprehensive solution that enables frontend web and mobile developers to simply design, launch, and host full-stack apps on AWS, while also allowing them to access the breadth of AWS resources as use cases change....
If you look at the AWSProductspage, you’ll find the platform offers several other solutions, ranging from managed database services to data processing andmachine learningtools. We’ll focus on the core AWS web hosting services for this review, particularly Lightsail. LikeGoogle Cloud, many hosti...
AWS Command Line Interface 支持 资源标记支持 Amplify Hosting API 文档历史记录 文档 AWS Amplify 用户指南 PDF RSS 聚焦模式 是 否 本文属于机器翻译版本。若本译文内容与英语原文存在差异,则一律以英文原文为准。 在Amplify 控制台中设置传入 Webhook 以开始构建,而无需将代码提交到 Git 存储库。您可以将无外设...
If a feature request you're looking at does not have a status, this usually means that we are not actively considering it to work on this year. Non-feature requests This repository only accepts new feature requests for AWS Amplify Hosting. For technical support, we encourage you to open a...
Create an AWS Account AWS Amplify Hosting User Guide What is AWS Amplify Hosting? Getting started tutorials Deploy a Next.js app Deploy a Nuxt.js app Deploy an Astro.js app Deploy a SvelteKit app Deploying server-side rendered apps Next.js ...
尝试过amplify pull和amplify push后,我还是收到了错误信息:API <api-name> does not exist。 所以,我的代码现在看起来像这样: import Amplify, { API } from 'aws-amplify'; import awsconfig from './aws-exports'; Amplify.configure(awsconfig); API.configure(awsconfig);...
Simplify and enhance Amazon S3 static website hosting with AWS Amplify Hosting - AWS Blog Simplify and enhance Amazon S3 static website hosting with AWS Amplify HostingAWS Blog 11 Best Website Hosting Providers for Small Businesses (2025) - Shopify ...
The development of frontend UIs is forever free with AWS Amplify. All UI components and Amplify Studio are for nothing when it comes to client-side development. Host An App Hosting is chargeless if your requirements are around 1k build minutes, 5 GB data storage, 15 GB data transfer, 500k...