AWS Amplify 包含您建置 Web 和行動應用程式所需的一切。輕鬆入門,易於擴展。 開始使用 Amplify 試用實作教學 從想法到開發出應用程式,僅需數小時 部署伺服器端渲染的靜態前端應用程式,開發 UI,新增身分驗證和儲存等功能,連線至即時資料來源,並擴展到數百萬使用者。無需雲端專業知識。
AWS Amplify 包含您建置 Web 和行動應用程式所需的一切。輕鬆入門,易於擴展。 開始使用 Amplify 試用實作教學 從想法到開發出應用程式,僅需數小時 部署伺服器端渲染的靜態前端應用程式,開發 UI,新增身分驗證和儲存等功能,連線至即時資料來源,並擴展到數百萬使用者。無需雲端專業知識。
AWS Amplify Tools It is a collection of tools (open source framework, visual development environment, console) and services (web app and static website hosting) designed to expedite the creation of mobile and web apps on AWS. The two main AWS Amplify tools are: AWS Amplify Studio: AWS ...
AWS::Amplify::App Amplify app configuration includes creating, managing branches, setting build specifications, caching, custom headers, and environment variables. March 26, 2025 AWSCloudFormation › UserGuide AWS::Amplify::Branch Amplify app branch configuration includes creating a new branch, setting...
🚀在本视频中,我将为大家介绍如何设计构建AWS Serverless架构,特别是Amplify和API Gateway,通过AWS云服务构建一个类似滴滴打车(Uber)的网约车Web应用。📦课程涵盖了前端Amplify部署、后端Lambda函数和DynamoDB数据库的配置,以及Cognito用户认证。🌐重点在于演示如何解决部署过程中遇到的问题,例如用户注册、地图API加载...
Sie können die Amplify-Ressource der Firewall zuordnen und von ihr trennen, indem Sie in der Amplify Hosting-Konsole zur Firewall-Seite für eine App navigieren. Während der Vorschauphase ist die AWS Config Integration nicht verfügbar. Die Firewall-Funktion ist in den Opt-In-Region...
Amplify:This service offers tools to develop full-stack mobile and web applications on AWS. S3:Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) offers cheap and scalable cloud storage for any files you want to back up to the cloud. If you look at the AWSProductspage, you’ll find the platform offer...
Firebase Hosting Azure StaticWeb Apps AWS Amplify 国内市场上,这块产品目前还处于缺位的状态,虽然底层的IaaS能力(对象存储、CDN、Serverless、网关等等)都趋近于完善,但还缺少能够把这些能力组合封装起来的一层,前段时间我也表达过类似的想法: “经常看到有人讨论为啥国内没有netlify、vercel这样的web托管产品,其实在国...
The development of frontend UIs is forever free with AWS Amplify. All UI components and Amplify Studio are for nothing when it comes to client-side development. Host An App Hosting is chargeless if your requirements are around 1k build minutes, 5 GB data storage, 15 GB data transfer, 500k...
If a feature request you're looking at does not have a status, this usually means that we are not actively considering it to work on this year. Non-feature requests This repository only accepts new feature requests for AWS Amplify Hosting. For technical support, we encourage you to open a...