This topic lists the error codes you might encounter when you debug your code.Microsoft Dataverse ErrorsThe following list shows the error codes used in Dataverse. For more information about handling errors when using the Dataverse SDK for .NET, see Handle exceptions in your code....
Error Codes Description Solution 400 WAF.00011001 bad.request Bad request Check param 400 WAF.00011002 url.param.illegal The URL format is incorrect Check URL format 400 WAF.00011003 request.body.illegal Request body format error: missing parameter and illegal value in body Check request body 400 ...
This topic lists the error codes you might encounter when you debug your code.Microsoft Dataverse ErrorsThe following list shows the error codes used in Dataverse. For more information about handling errors when using the Dataverse SDK for .NET, see Handle exceptions in your code....
The following list shows the error codes used inMicrosoft Dynamics 365. For more information, see Handle exceptions in your code.Error Message Name: AccessDenied Hex: 80048405 Number: -2147187707 Access is denied. Name: AccessDeniedSharePointRecord Hex: 80060904 Number: -2147088124 Access denied on...
ERROR_APP_DOES_NOT_EXISTDiagnose: Die angegebene Anwendung ist in IIS nicht vorhanden.Auflösung: Überprüfen Sie den IIS-Manager, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie den Namen des Anwendungspfads richtig angegeben haben.ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_IISAPP,ERROR_USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED_FOR_DBFULLSQL,...
This topic lists the error codes you might encounter when you debug your code. You can find helper code for using error codes in the SDK package in the folder SDK\SampleCode\CS\HelperCode\ErrorCodes.cs. In the same folder, you’ll also find CrmErrors.xml, which is provided so you ...
各种各样的网页错误代码(A wide variety of Web error codes) Error code: 400 400 errors are caused by incorrect requests, indicating that the web being searched may have been deleted, renamed, or temporarily unavailable. Error code: 401.1 401.1 the error was caused by a login failure, indicating...
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to the instructions provided in API Gateway Error Codes.
HomeDocumentationTools and SoftwareKeil ProductsKeil MDKLICENSE: Web Error Code 9939 or Licensing Error Codes L9555E, R203(8) Version: 1.0 (Latest) Version: 1.0 (Latest) Article ID:KA004409 Applies To:Keil MDK Confidentiality:Customer Non-confidential ...
Instant Website Error Notifications Pingdom is perfect for alerting you to HTTP status error codes and much more. With a detailed page speed analysis, you can quickly identify intermittent issues affecting page load speeds and customer experience. With a broad range of supported messaging channels,...