This topic lists the error codes you might encounter when you debug your code.Microsoft Dataverse ErrorsThe following list shows the error codes used in Dataverse. For more information about handling errors when using the Dataverse SDK for .NET, see Handle exceptions in your code....
There was an error in parsing the mail merge templates in Import Xml 80048455 ErrorsInWorkflowDefinition The selected workflow has errors and cannot be published. Please open the workflow, remove the errors and try again. 80048454 DistributeNoListAssociated This campaign activity cannot be distributed...
In the same folder, you’ll also find CrmErrors.xml, which is provided so you have an easy way to look up error information. 下載Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK 套件。The following list shows the error codes used in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. For more information, see 處理程式碼中的意外.<?xml ...
The following list shows the error codes used inMicrosoft Dynamics 365. For more information, see Handle exceptions in your code.Error Message Name: AccessDenied Hex: 80048405 Number: -2147187707 Access is denied. Name: AccessDeniedSharePointRecord Hex: 80060904 Number: -2147088124 Access denied on...
This topic lists the error codes you might encounter when you debug your code.Microsoft Dataverse ErrorsThe following list shows the error codes used in Dataverse. For more information about handling errors when using the Dataverse SDK for .NET, see Handle exceptions in your code....
DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver 默认的异常处理器。它能够处理标准的Spring MVC异常们,并且把它转换为对应的HTTP status codes,一般作为兜底处理,Spring MVC默认也注册了此处理器。它能处理的异常非常之多,简单列出来如下:
host.blacklist It is forbidden to add the protection website, and the domain name is blacklisted 400 WAF.00014012 insufficient.tenant.quota Insufficient tenant quota Purchase quota upgrade package 400 WAF.00014013 exclusive.ip.config.error Exclusive IP configuration error ...
这一类型的状态码,代表请求已被接受,需要继续处理。这类响应是临时响应,只包含状态行和某些可选的响应头信息,并以空行结束。由于HTTP/1.0协议中没有定义任何1xx状态码,所以除非在某些试验条件下,服务器禁止向此类客户端发送1xx响应。 这些状态码代表的响应都是信息性的,标示客户应该采取的其他行动。
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { webview.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); } webView加载一些别人的url时候,有时候会发生证书认证错误的情况,这时候我们希望能够正常的呈现页面给用户,我们需要忽略证书错误,需要调用WebViewClient类的onReceivedSslError方法,调用handler...
Complying with legal and regulatory obligations, telecommunication service provider requirements and communications industry codes of practice. Subscriber Records Customer Content Communications Usage Data Customer Account Data Legitimate Interest Sending marketing communications in accordance with your marketing prefer...