Use our free web accessiblity color contrast checker to check your website's color combinations against WCAG A, AA, and AAA requirements.
有许多工具可以帮助你寻找符合WCAG Guidelines.的颜色。两个流行的工具分别是 WebAim Color Contrast Checker 以及 Lea Verou的 Contrast Ratio。 十一、后记 如你所见,无需更多的色彩,今天我们创建的这款色彩组合就能打造出漂亮的网页。但这并不意味你的选择要局限在这几种颜色中。 在设计过程当中,你可能会说引入更...
有许多工具可以帮助你寻找符合WCAG Guidelines.的颜色。两个流行的工具分别是WebAim Color Contrast Checker以及Lea Verou的Contrast Ratio。 后记 如你所见,无需更多的色彩,今天我们创建的这款色彩组合就能打造出漂亮的网页。但这并不意味你的选择要局限在这几种颜色中。 如果需要,你可以将本文介绍的技巧应用到更多颜色...
所以,为了确保色彩的无障碍使用,我们需要借助特定的工具来实现。 WebAIM Color Contrast Checker 有的色彩能够合理的搭配,有的色彩之间会相互冲突。令人惊讶的是,许多网站都没有通过AA测试。不想成为其中之一,不妨使用 WebAim Color Contrast Checker 来对你的网站配色进行检测吧。 Coolors Coolors 能够对你的网站进行色...
14. Color contrast checker Color contrast checker 帮你检查网页设计中两种颜色之间的对比度; 15. Git Command Explorer Git Command Explorer 帮你充分了解和学习 Git 命令; 16. Make thumbnails ...
Ensure sufficient color contrast between text and background elements. High contrast makes text more legible for users with low vision or color blindness. Not sure if your color choices are high-contrast enough? The WebAIM color contrast checker is a great tool to help you determine if your col...
Check links on each page manually or use an automated link checker. Use Google Analytics, a free tool that tracks traffic on your webpage, to identify pages that generate 404 errors. 3 ways to fix bad links Redirect the link: If the link points to a page you have moved, redirect the ...
Kontrast - WCAG Contrast Checker Quickly check and adjust contrast in real-time in your browser to meet WCAG 2.1 requirements PerfectPixel Adds a semi-transparent image overlay over the top of the developed HTML to easily perform pixel perfect comparison between them, useful for replicating UI desig...
Fortunately, Webflow offers a myriad of features that make project and color scheme management faster, you just need to know what to look for. You can use global swatches to change colors anywhere they appear in your design — all at once. And the built-in contrast checker clearly shows if...
For example, Elementor makes it straightforward to include alt attributes and ARIA labels, create accessible forms, ensure sufficient color contrast, and more. We’ve previously covered the process ofcreating an accessible website in Elementor, so getting started is simple. ...