WebAIM Color Contrast Checker:这是一个在线工具,可以输入两种颜色的代码,然后计算并显示它们的对比度比率。 Color Safe:此工具不仅检查对比度,还提供符合可访问性标准的颜色组合建议。 Chrome DevTools:在开发过程中,可以使用Chrome浏览器的开发者工具来检查和调整颜色对比度。 如何使用WebAIM Color Contrast Checker 访...
一般来说,深色背景上的浅色文本,或者浅色背景上的深色文本,都是良好的选择。 辅助工具:使用对比度检查工具,如WebAIM Contrast Checker,来确保你的颜色组合符合Web内容无障碍指南(WCAG)的标准。 避免复杂背景 纯色背景:使用纯色背景可以确保文本的清晰可见。如果你必须使用图像背景,确保图像不会过于复杂,以免干扰文本的可...
1.访问WebAIMColorContrastChecker。 2.在“ForegroundColor”和“BackgroundColor”输入框中,分别输入文本和背景的颜色代码。 3.点击“CheckContrast”按钮,工具将显示对比度比率和是否符合WCAG标准。 18.避免仅依赖颜色传达信息避免仅依赖颜色传达信息 在设计网页时,不应仅依赖颜色来传达关键信息。这是因为颜色盲或视觉...
To do this, I can use a color contrast checker. It's also wise to run through this website accessibility checklist to double-check that the rest of my site meets accessibility standards. Check background colors across different devices. Having a responsive website is a...
<th scope="row">color contrast</th> <td> The control label/description/icon and its states are perceivable/usable for low vision users (Use a <a href="https://www.paciellogroup.com/resources/contrastanalyser/">color contrast checker</a>.)</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope=...
以下是我自己常用的测试网站:https://contrastchecker.com/ 方法如图所示,上图为标准的用色,下图为不标准的用色。 总结 运用HSB 的方法选定色彩,再根据饱和度和明度制作色彩梯度。同理制作中性色的色彩梯度。功能色需要提前定制好,不要与其他颜色混用造成不必要的麻烦,并在项目中做好命名。在...
Check your contrast levels with our <a href="../a11yperf/resources/contrastchecker/">color contrast checker</a>.</dd> <dt>Use True Text Whenever Possible</dt> <dd><a href="../a11yperf/techniques/images/text_graphic">True text</a> enlarges better, loads faster, and is easier to ...
(Large text is defined as 18.66px and bold or larger, or 24px or larger.) WebAIM: Color Contrast Checker MDN Understanding WCAG, Guideline 1.4 explanations Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.3 | W3C Understanding WCAG 2.0Clicking and focus Whether clicking on a <button> or <input> button ...
UseInspectto verify programmatic access, runUI Accessibility Checker (AccChecker)to discover common errors, and verify the screen reading experience with Narrator. For more info, seeTesting your app for accessibility. Declare your app as accessible in the Windows Store. ...
WebAIM has an excellent contrast checker with visual examples. Step 5: Check Alternative Text and Abbreviations Make sure all your images and graphics have an alternative text attribute (<img alt=”DocRaptor Logo” />) and any abbreviations have an explanatory title attribute (<abbr title="...