14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Forecast for the next 2 weeks 星期日星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六 5 6 7 8 View historic weather 9 -1 / -4 °C 10 5 / -1 °C 11 4 / -3 °C 12
我个人觉得说成thenextday更符合英文习惯啊可是北京奥运会的英文预报单上用的是thenext1day结果一 题目 将来的第二天可以说成the next 1 day吗the weather report for today and the next 1 day.我个人觉得说成the next day更符合英文习惯啊,可是北京奥运会的英文预报单上用的是 the next 1 day.请问这样用...
将来的第二天可以说成the next 1 day吗the weather report for today and the next 1 day.我个人觉得说成the next day更符合英文习惯啊,可是北京奥运会的英文预报单上用的是 the next 1 day.请问这样用也可以吗
The Weather Channel and weather.com provide a national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report and hurricane coverage
三、看图,仿照例句写一写。Weather Forecast for Next WeekM_0ndayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday例 It will be sunny next Monday.1. It will be cloudy next Tuesday.2. There will beThere will be a light snow next Wesdnesday.3.There will be a heavy rain next Thursday.4.There will be a light...
Weather report for the next twenty-four hours: Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day. It will be cloudy tomorrow. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Yangtze River. The day after tomorrow it will be sunny....
- Accurate 24-hour and 7-day forecasts and local time for multiple locations all over the world; - colorful weather scenes reflecting weather conditions and the time and brightness of the day; - Bad weather warnings and alerts to give you a heads up about severe weather in your area; - ...
Meet the members of the NEXT Weather team, who aim every day to keep you informed. Check:Latest NEXT Weather forecast| Read:Latest NEXT Weather blog|Latest Eye on Earth stories Updated 8:46 AM / December 11, 2023 Eric Fisher Eric Fisher is Chief Meteorologist for CBS Boston's WBZ-TV. ...
What is the Purpose for Turning On & Off Location Services * Pictures, settings, and paths might differ from those of your phone, but that does not affect the description in this article. Is this answer helpful? Yes No