Never update a weapon swap macro manually ever again Why? With the Prepatch for shadowlands (9.0) Arms and Fury warriors get Shield Slam and Shield Block skills back as baseline skills again. If you want to make use of those in any combat situation, a macro is the easiest solution to eq...
Ringleron A Warpwood Thunder Caller Join Date: Feb 2007 Posts: 92 Originally Posted byMazzlefizz Or use Itemrack, and make a weapon set for it. You can then use that set in a macro or assign a binding to it. Thanks. I looked into Seerah's suggestion about a macro and I found thi...
Can’t you just macro an aura cancel into Gouge, Sap, and Blind? Petforce: Hunter ammo pouches also have no restriction on them. Can ammo bags even be unique equipped? It seems a bit wild that Rogue of all classes is the only one who is intended to use two of the new PvP weapons...