Upon pressing /shred macro If buff "Druid of the Flames" is active (buff I get to become fire kitty) keep my Trident of Corrupted Waters (main weapon) equipped and just do /shred Else if buff "Druid of the Flames" is NOT active – equip Fendral's Flamescythe until I get the buff...
/equip Tomahawk /equip Worn Large Shield /equip Large Axe This macro allows you to swap between a defensive one-hand plus shield combination and an offensive two-hander weapon on each keypress. This is very useful to save time when swapping between styles in PvP. 2.6. Rare Tagging / Target...
缩写:ZS 战士 FS 法师 MS 牧师 DZ 盗贼 LR 猎人 SS 术士 SM 萨满 QS 骑士 XD 德鲁伊 MC 熔火之心 BWL 黑翼之巢 FX 安其拉废墟 TAQ 安其拉神庙 NAXX 纳克萨玛斯 TL 通学院 DK 斯坦索姆死亡骑士 STSM 斯坦索姆 T1 黑石塔下层、第一套职业套装 T2 黑石塔上层、第二套职业套装 AL 阿什坎迪,兄弟会之剑...
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Main Hand /equip [noequipped:Shields] Shield Thanks, Geboran. I saw the /equipslot from Wiki. Using the /equipslot macro, can I use GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot") as a parameter for "Main Hand of Mainhandedness" (and GetInventorySlotInfo("SecondaryHand...
Equip a weapon to default slot: /equip Honed Voidaxe Equip a trinket to the lower trinket slot: /equipslot 14 Carrot on a Stick Save two equipment sets. One called Tank that has a sword and shield equipped, one called DPS that has a two handed weapon equipped. Use this macro to switc...
Note that the test for the equip is still [nostance] because it hasn't yet registered that the stance has changed. You don't need to worry about the global cooldown, because the stance change and the weapon equip both trigger it at the same time, so you only suffer once. (......
If you prefer having certain items in your actionslots GearMenu can still be of use. By using the macro-bridge you get all the advantages of the combatQueue in a normal macro. Add Item to CombatQueue /run GM_AddToCombatQueue(itemId, enchantId, slotId) # Example - Equip Hand of Justic...
F2 See below Buff weapon 17 (Melee classes) * F3 /cleartarget * F4 /use Superior Healing Potion Heal F5 See below Delete various crap F6 /equipslot 18 Wicked Throwing Dagger Equip thown (Rogue) F7 /cast Desperate Prayer Heal - Priest only F8 /cancelform Druid * F9 /stand * F10 /...
双手武器/单手武器+盾牌—>双持武器/script P=PickupInventoryItem;C=PickupContainerItem;/script if(not OffhandHasWeapon())then C(4,1);P(16);C(4,2... 分享483 魔兽玩家吧 whk1041936048 战士武器切换的宏出现了问题,希望大神们帮帮忙/equipslot 16 野蛮角斗士的斩首斧虽然好使,但是不知为什么,小弟...
In the current phase of Season of Discovery, you can equip five runes on your hands, legs, boots, belt, and chest armor, with more to come as the next phases roll out in the future. Related:When Is The World of Warcraft Maintenance Window ...