From PathfinderWiki A paladin's longsword. See also: Armor A weapon, sometimes called an arm or armament, is an instrument used to inflict harm. While some weapons are improvised and others are repurposed from common tools or devices, most are designed to inflict damage to beings and ...
SRD:Weapon Focus This material is published under theOGL 1.0a. Weapon Focus [General] Choose one type of weapon. You can also chooseunarmed strikeorgrapple(or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of thisfeat.
Finally, at 18th level you gain the ability to hone your own soul into a weapon of calamitous power for 1 minute. As an action you can spent 5 sorcery points to focus your soul into a weapon of destruction, the weapon takes the form of your choice, gains a +2 (on top of other ...